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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Crown Modalities

Crown Modalities

I recently presented a program at the Florida National Dental Convention held in Orlando. A member of the audience came up to me and asked if we teach...

| 15 years ago
Why Is There Wear?

Why Is There Wear?

If you're old enough to remember Bill Cosby's question 'Why is there air?' you have probably come to some peace with the dental question in the title. The...

| 15 years ago
Exquisite Impressions

Exquisite Impressions

For many years, diagnostic impressions weren't given the attention they deserved. As I began to utilize diagnostic models in my practice, the need to...

| 15 years ago
Perpetual Learning

Perpetual Learning

I have worked with thousands of dentists over the last 15 years of teaching, and I have learned that the dentists who are most successful in their...

| 15 years ago
Advancing Academic Leadership in Dentistry

Advancing Academic Leadership in Dentistry

June was a very special month for me and my lecture partners of the past 25 years, Vince Kokich and Dave Mathews. On June 12th, we gave a benefit...

| 15 years ago
Creating Great Contacts

Creating Great Contacts

Recently, while preparing for a lecture on posterior restorative dentistry, I did some research on matrices so I could discuss creating an ideal contact...

| 15 years ago
Belt and Suspenders

Belt and Suspenders

Provisionals on veneer preparations can be challenging. The 'shrink to fit' or 'shrink-wrap' technique has gained popularity over the years. That is,...

| 15 years ago