Otolaryngologist Dental Referral: Building Your Interdisciplinary Airway Team
Since not all ENTs are the same, getting the right otolaryngologist dental referral for your interdisciplinary team can be challenging. Dr. Rouse shares...
Jeffrey Rouse | 2 years ago ›Tongue Tie and Sleep Apnea: The Craniofacial Connection
Dr. Jeffrey Rouse reviews the literature and recent studies on the connection between tongue tie and sleep apnea. Read on to see his findings.
Jeffrey Rouse | 2 years ago ›Dentistry and the Three Common Causes of Compromised Craniofacial Anatomy
Dr. Jeffrey Rouse identifies the three common causes of compromised craniofacial anatomy—and how to address them in dentistry when ideal solutions are not...
Jeffrey Rouse | 2 years ago ›Referring Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy for a More Complete Treatment Plan
Orofacial myofunctional therapy may be the modality that mitigates the intersection of prevention strategies and referrals, providing your patients a...
Brittny Sciarra | 2 years ago ›Integrating Myofunctional Therapy Training into Your Dental Practice with BROOM Screening
Conducting myofunctional therapy training for dental staff using the screening tool ‘BROOM', provides details about your patient's health. Before your...
Brittny Sciarra | 2 years ago ›Maxilla Is Key in Comprehensive Treatment Planning
Dr. Jeffrey Rouse builds the case for dentists to keep the maxilla in mind when planning comprehensive treatment.
Jeffrey Rouse | 3 years ago ›Increasing Comprehensive “Airway” Exams: Getting Patients Out of the Hygiene Operatory
Getting patients to agree to more comprehensive treatment requires getting them out of the hygiene chair and to start talking about their health.
Jeffrey Rouse | 3 years ago ›Understanding and Recognizing Mouth Breathing
How can you explain to your patients the need to breath through the nose, not the mouth? This article offers research-based information to help clinicians...
Trisha O'Hehir | 3 years ago ›Advanced FGTP – The Inclusion of Airway Prosthodontics
Today, airway has become part of what I refer to as advanced FGTP. Our cases need to start with an awareness of anatomic issues that could be related...
Jeffrey Rouse | 3 years ago ›Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion (DOME): Fixing the Deficient Maxillary Wax Rim
With airway in mind, Dr. Jeff Rouse explains how DOME uses bone-borne expansion advantages of a MARPE paired with a reduced surgical intervention.
Jeffrey Rouse | 4 years ago ›Orthodontic Therapy and the Airway – An AAO White Paper Review (Part 2)
Airway management expert Dr. Jeff Rouse explains adult and childhood management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by orthodontists.
Jeffrey Rouse | 4 years ago ›Airway Aware: The Next Step in Treatment Planning
Dr. Jeff Rouse says the beauty of the Airway Aware strategy is it can be done by any dentist in any practice setting without investing in screening devices.
Jeffrey Rouse | 4 years ago ›