How to Make a Provisional Vanity Denture in Your Dental Practice
The psychological impact of going without dentures can be significant for a patient. Learn how to make a quick, in-house vanity prosthesis by duplicating...
Kevin Huff | 4 years ago ›Diagnostic Options and Recommendations for TMJ Disorders
In dentistry, it's crucial to consider evidence-based information and ethical recommendations in determining treatment options for issues like TMJ disorders...
Kevin Huff | 5 years ago ›Learn to clarify the confusion about the diagnosis of TMJ, TMD, TMJD, and other temporomandibular joint disorders.
Kevin Huff | 5 years ago ›When Ethics and Law Collide with Professionalism
Ethical decision-making processes can be taught in organized courses of study. However, dentists often face circumstances in caring for their patients...
Kevin Huff | 5 years ago ›Managing Access Openings in Existing Crowns with Bonded Resin Restorations
Learn steps to address access opening restorations with greater precision, including when a previously crowned tooth requires endodontic therapy.
Kevin Huff | 5 years ago ›Balancing Previous Patient Experience with Appropriate Diagnosis
How do you decide when to comply with the patient's request to extract a tooth, and when does it make more sense to either refer them to an oral surgeon...
Kevin Huff | 5 years ago ›Working the Slopes: It's All In the Edges
This skiing analogy will help you better understand leading and trailing incisal edges.
Kevin Huff | 6 years ago ›Low-Level Laser Therapy In Dentistry - Was 'Star Trek' Technology That Far Out?
Have you ever utilized low-level laser therapy in your practice? Learn more about the benefits and considerations of this emerging dental technology.
Kevin Huff | 6 years ago ›Providing an Ethical Second Opinion
What are best practices when it comes to managing patients who come to you looking for a 'second opinion?'
Kevin Huff | 7 years ago ›A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Risk for Cancer in Dentistry
For the sake of the patient's overall health, dentists must understand risk factors for oral cancer and how to handle these difficult discussions with...
Kevin Huff | 7 years ago ›Converting an Anterior Bite Plane to a Full Arch Splint
This article will teach you how to convert an anterior bite plane appliance to a full-arch appliance to meet the needs of your patient.
Kevin Huff | 7 years ago ›Minimizing Post-Operative Pain with Irrigation
When it comes to minimizing post-op pain for your patients, it's important to understand the chemistry behind various irrigation methods.
Kevin Huff | 7 years ago ›