In this article, I will go over some tips that may help improve your current relationship with your lab or get a relationship with a new lab off on the...
John Carson | 9 years ago ›Three Strategies for Moving Forward
Every dentist has issues they have to deal with—whether they are team issues, patient issues, facility or business issues, time or economic issues. This is...
Imtiaz Manji | 9 years ago ›Using a Leaf Gauge With Intention: Part III
Part I and Part II of this series reviewed the four common uses for the leaf gauge, separating the intent and use for each. In Part III, I will review...
Kevin Kwiecien | 9 years ago ›The Dentist's Business Advantage
Every business has its advantages and its limitations. When you compare dentistry with other businesses and professional services, however, you begin...
Imtiaz Manji | 9 years ago ›Controlling Accounts Receivable for Patients is Now Live!
Some patients expect to be able to leave your practice without paying until you send them a statement or for the practice to automatically offer financial...
Denise Prichard | 9 years ago ›The 2 Ways to Make Patients See Your Unique Value
The first is by creating the right physical environment. You're asking people to spend discretionary dollars with you, after all. This puts you in competition...
Imtiaz Manji | 9 years ago ›Your Dental Practice - Is It Time for a Reboot?
Remember when you were first learning to drive? Remember how hard you had to concentrate on every little thing you did—from being aware of the traffic around...
Imtiaz Manji | 9 years ago ›Using a Leaf Gauge With Intention: Part II
In a previous article, I discussed the common dilemma of using one tool, the leaf gauge, for four different objectives. I also went over the confusion...
Kevin Kwiecien | 9 years ago ›Treatment Decisions: To Remove or To Retain?
Imagine if this was your patient and he was presenting to your office for a second opinion on treatment. What would you? This 18-year-old patient presents...
Greggory Kinzer | 9 years ago ›How Any Dentist Can Achieve Great Success from Optimizing the Basics
For a new dentist, graduating with a load of school debt and facing the costs of starting in practice, it can seem like financial independence is a long...
Imtiaz Manji | 9 years ago ›Dental Photography Staff Training Course Now Live!
Complete diagnosis and treatment planning is far easier when the dentist has a complete set of clinical photographs to use during the treatment planning...
Denise Prichard | 9 years ago ›The Do's and Don'ts of Twitter
Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms today with more than 288 million monthly active users. Commonly referred to as a...
Denise Prichard | 9 years ago ›