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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Improving the Patient Experience Utilizing Digital Workflows: A Visual Essay

Improving the Patient Experience Utilizing Digital Workflows: A Visual Essay

Using digital workflows in dentistry, dentists can communicate treatment plans and outcomes to patients more efficiently. Dr. Mitrani walks through one...

| 3 months ago
Managing Dentogingival Discrepancies: Orthodontic and Surgical Options

Managing Dentogingival Discrepancies: Orthodontic and Surgical Options

Dr. Mitrani offers insight on surgical and orthodontic treatment in dentogingival discrepancies in this article.

| 3 months ago
Building a Better Dental Patient Relationship #1: Overcoming Biases

Building a Better Dental Patient Relationship #1: Overcoming Biases

Dr. Mitrani advises not to overlook bias from the old dental patient relationship when building a new one in part 1 of this 2-part...

| 5 months ago
Managing the Midline Diastema Part 3: The Restoration

Managing the Midline Diastema Part 3: The Restoration

In the final article of this series on midline diastemas, Dr. Jason Smithson walks through the step-by-step process of doing the restoration with direct...

| 8 months ago
Managing the Midline Diastema Part 2: Challenges

Managing the Midline Diastema Part 2: Challenges

In the second of a 3-part series on midline diastemas, Dr. Jason Smithson discusses the special challenges you can encounter in providing treatment for...

| 8 months ago
Connecting the Dots: Tips for Communicating with Your Dental Lab

Connecting the Dots: Tips for Communicating with Your Dental Lab

Dr. Jeffrey Bonk provides practical tips for communicating with your dental lab to ensure the best treatment planning outcomes.

| 11 months ago
Full Arch Reconstruction:  The Strategic Management of Remaining Teeth in Arch Distribution

Full Arch Reconstruction: The Strategic Management of Remaining Teeth in Arch Distribution

In this article, Dr. Ricardo Mitrani presents the case for strategically retaining healthy teeth rather than extracting all teeth in a full arch reconstruction.

| 1 year ago
Three Solutions for Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors: A Photo Essay

Three Solutions for Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors: A Photo Essay

Addressing congenitally missing lateral incisors is a common condition that justifies an interdisciplinary solution, such as canine substitution, resin-bonded...

| 2 years ago
Fabrication and Use of an Incisal Edge Guide

Fabrication and Use of an Incisal Edge Guide

A clinical case study of the fabrication and use of the incisal edge guide and how it can improve communication with a dental laboratory technician and...

| 2 years ago
Planning the Class IV: The Workhorse of Cosmetic Dentistry — Part 1

Planning the Class IV: The Workhorse of Cosmetic Dentistry — Part 1

With proper planning and a command for Class IV restorations, Dr. Jason Smithson believes dentists can confidently approach any anterior situation with...

| 3 years ago
Restorative Movement of Mal-aligned Teeth: A Collaborative Approach

Restorative Movement of Mal-aligned Teeth: A Collaborative Approach

Learn a step-by-step approach – for both the dentist and ceramist – to make the restorative movement of teeth...

| 3 years ago
Airway Aware: The Next Step in Treatment Planning

Airway Aware: The Next Step in Treatment Planning

Dr. Jeff Rouse says the beauty of the Airway Aware strategy is it can be done by any dentist in any practice setting without investing in screening devices.

| 3 years ago