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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Maintaining Edentulous Spaces … Are There Consequences?

Maintaining Edentulous Spaces … Are There Consequences?

Patients that value dental health are motivated by the consequences of not taking an appropriate action. Taking a tooth or perhaps several teeth out...

| 9 years ago
Improving Case Acceptance: Part Three - Taking it Further

Improving Case Acceptance: Part Three - Taking it Further

Previously I shared some tips for improving case acceptance (click here for Part 1 and Part 2) and I wrote that I do not always review all...

| 9 years ago
What Makes a Dental Team Great?

What Makes a Dental Team Great?

There are all lot of factors that go into making up a well-functioning, smoothly-aligned, high-performing dental team – but I would say that one of...

| 9 years ago
‘Treatment Planning For a Great Hire’ is Now Live!

‘Treatment Planning For a Great Hire’ is Now Live!

Do you find it difficult to hire great employees? Are you tired of only finding mediocre talent? Is this negatively affecting your practice?

| 9 years ago
‘Defining Your Practice’s Unique Mission and Identity’ is Now Live!

‘Defining Your Practice’s Unique Mission and Identity’ is Now Live!

What are methods you utilize to attract and retain patients? Can you implement new approaches that increase patient retention?

| 9 years ago
The Second Molar Dilemma

The Second Molar Dilemma

Treatment planning in orthodontics includes evaluation of all three facial dimensions; Anterior-posterior, transverse and vertical.

| 9 years ago
Three Rules for Following Through

Three Rules for Following Through

No matter what business you are in, your passion for your work shows in how determined you are to influence others to see the value of what you can do.

| 9 years ago
How Becoming a Better Dentist Can be like Riding a Bike

How Becoming a Better Dentist Can be like Riding a Bike

It's why I always say it's not enough to get excited about discovering new techniques or methods of diagnosis at a seminar or workshop—you have to put sustained...

| 9 years ago
Dentistry's Battle With the Inferior Alveolar Nerve

Dentistry's Battle With the Inferior Alveolar Nerve

Is it worth the battle? Or should we just raise the white flag and admit defeat? Do we have any hope for victory? Can we uncover a weakness in the opponent?...

| 9 years ago
How Dentists can Unintentionally Offend Patients

How Dentists can Unintentionally Offend Patients

Our language and our actions are ways that we communicate to others. This article suggests that we analyze some of our interaction with patients from...

| 9 years ago
Alginate - The Best Block Out Material

Alginate - The Best Block Out Material

If you do removable prosthodontics there are many times that impressions of teeth and ridges need to be made with teeth that will ultimately be extracted.

| 9 years ago
'Mandibular Nerve Blocks, Part 1' is now Live!

'Mandibular Nerve Blocks, Part 1' is now Live!

One of the struggles that many dentists face are Mandibular Nerve Blocks and the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. In Spear's latest course, Mandibular Nerve...

| 9 years ago