Tooth Wear Appliances: Anterior Bite Planes
Anterior bite planes are an excellent choice for patients with tooth wear from attrition. Learn more about this occlusal appliance from Dr. Frank Spear.
Frank Spear | 8 years ago ›Restoring Discolored Endodontically Treated Teeth: Case 1
This is the first in a series of examples of the different presentations that can occur surrounding the restoration of discolored endodontically treated...
Frank Spear | 8 years ago ›Evaluating Facial Esthetics: Facial Profile
Dr. Frank Spear focuses on understanding how to evaluate profiles, and what the evaluation can teach dentists about possible treatment decisions.
Frank Spear | 8 years ago ›Managing Over-eruption Following Tooth Wear
In this comprehensive article, we go over treating isolated wear on segments of teeth, which can be a confusing problem for dental clinicians.
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›Where, Oh Where, Did That Tooth Wear Come From? Part 2
In this article, Dr. Frank Spear discusses erosion, which in contrast to attrition can have an excellent long-term prognosis if managed well.
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›Muscle Deprogramming: A Source of Confusion
Dr. Frank Spear discusses muscle deprogramming, which is simple in concept but may be confusing in execution.
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›Where, Oh Where, Did That Tooth Wear Come From? Part 1
Tooth wear presents as a significant challenge for many reasons, not the least of which is attempting to identify the etiology of the wear, which in turn...
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›There are many dental products available today to serve a multitude of different purposes, sometimes the number of choices can become overwhelming....
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›The Challenge of Replacing Missing Central and Lateral Incisors
Replacing a single missing central or lateral incisor is quite predictable, especially if there is adequate bone and soft tissue to utilize a single tooth...
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›I Still Can’t Chew on My New Dental Restoration!
Doctor – I still can't chew on my new dental restoration! Those are some of the most frustrating words for any clinician to hear, as it...
Frank Spear | 9 years ago ›The easiest open bite to correct is one that was caused by tooth wear from erosion, not attrition or grinding, and where the anterior tooth position didn't...
Frank Spear | 10 years ago ›Every dentist knows what I mean by a radiographic diagnosis. You may not know the term, but a radiographic diagnosis is what happens when at the end of...
Frank Spear | 10 years ago ›