Flashy dental trends may grab headlines, but these exciting features are often more hype than substance. The real dental trends that practices must keep an eye on are the ones with staying power. They are the ones that go from being trends to best practices in dentistry. To get an idea of which ones to keep an eye on, it's important to look at what patients are saying. Then, you can use those ideas to improve the patient experience. We’ve compiled some data to suggest these ten dental industry trends that you should follow to improve the patient experience.

Camera set up for dental photography
Figure 1: Keeping up with dental trends can help your patients and your bottom line.

Understanding the Needs of Modern Dental Patients

What frustrates your patients? What makes them delay treatment, cut corners, or avoid care entirely? Getting to the heart of that is also important for getting to the heart of what affects the patients experience.

In one study of dental patient satisfaction rates, there were four areas of opportunity found:



Demographic Influences

Quality Concerns

Waiting Times

Patients in rural and remote areas faced difficulties accessing dental clinics, leading to dissatisfaction due to long travel distances.

Education and age were significant factors affecting patient satisfaction, with more educated individuals often being less satisfied.


Some patients expressed dissatisfaction with the clinical quality and communication aspects of dental care services.

Long waiting times before appointments were a common complaint among patients, contributing to dissatisfaction with the services.


If these are the biggest barriers to patient satisfaction, then it makes sense that they're also the best opportunities to improve. That’s why the best dental industry trends address them in some way.

Camera set up for dental photography
Figure 2: Modernizing your practice helps you quickly adapt to the next trend.

10 Dental Industry Trends That Improve Patient Experiences

The dental trends that we’ll see become commonplace in practices are focused on enhancing the patient’ s experience. By addressing common care barriers, these industry trends have the potential to reshape how care is provided.

Here are ten trends to watch, each poised to improve patient satisfaction and outcomes.

  1. Tele-dentistry solutions: For a rural patient, a dental appointment, even a single checkup, isn’t just a small part of their day. It may take up the entire thing, as they must travel, wait, see the dentist, and travel back. Invasive care may require hotel accommodations. This creates a massive care barrier that affects an estimated 70 million Americans. Tele-dentistry solutions can help eliminate some of these trips by allowing dentists to consult with the patient remotely from the comfort of their home. That keeps them engaged in care and connected to the patient, while reducing the burden that in-office treatment creates when possible.

  2. Personalized explainer videos: A lot of dental practices take a one-size-fits-all approach to explaining treatment to patients, meaning that most content may be on a different level from the patient, either being over their head or coming off as condescending. Using personalized explainer videos aimed at the specific patient can help to convey information with the right tone.

  3. Digital patient communication platforms: Digital patient communication platforms streamline communication between patients and dental practices. When patients must travel, or face long wait times filling out paperwork, these tools can bridge the gap and cut the wait.

  4. Appointment scheduling apps: Patients in younger demographics especially enjoy being able to schedule their appointments and get reminders quickly and easily through an app. This can help to manage scheduling and improve wait times as well, by allowing patients to choose blocks themselves that can later be confirmed by the dental team in a streamlined information gathering session.

  5. AI-powered treatment planning: By analyzing vast amounts of patient data, AI-powered treatment planning tools can offer personalized treatment recommendations, improving outcomes and patient satisfaction while optimizing clinical workflows. These also help to validate the need more deeply for treatment and relieve overtreatment concerns.

  6. 3D printing technology: From crowns to aligners, 3D printing technology enables the creation of precise, customized dental appliances, enhancing treatment efficacy and patient comfort while reducing production time and costs.

  7. Minimally invasive techniques: Patients increasingly prefer minimally invasive procedures that preserve natural tooth structure and minimize discomfort. These procedures are especially preferable for those who must travel, as more extensive procedures will often require them to be accompanied by a caretaker or prepare for an overnight trip. Incorporating techniques such as laser dentistry and air abrasion can improve patient experiences and outcomes while reducing the burden for those who must travel.

  8. Virtual reality distraction therapy: Virtual reality distraction therapy can help alleviate dental anxiety by immersing patients in calming virtual environments during procedures, promoting relaxation, and reducing stress levels.

  9. Eco-friendly practices: Implementing eco-friendly practices such as paperless offices and biodegradable materials can enhance patient satisfaction and attract environmentally conscious clientele.

  10. Intraoral cameras: Intraoral cameras allow patients to visualize dental issues in real-time, fostering better understanding and trust between patients and dental professionals. This can be particularly valuable for patients who seek reassurance or clarity about their dental health. By providing a clear visual representation of the oral condition, intraoral cameras empower patients to actively participate in their treatment decisions and improve their oral hygiene practices.

These dental industry trends represent innovative solutions to longstanding challenges in dental care. By embracing these trends, dental practices can enhance accessibility, improve quality of care, reduce waiting times, and address patient concerns, leading to better patient experiences and improved outcomes.



Commenter's Profile Image Ron J.
August 27th, 2024
Intraoral cameras are a 'trend'??? If that's true, then they have been trendy for the last 20 years. That's quite a trendy trend.
Commenter's Profile Image Christina C.
September 2nd, 2024
Please tell me more about virtual reality distraction therapy and how that works in a treatment room?