In my last article, I went into what it takes to design a recruitment referral program for a dental practice, to include goal setting, establishing the program and taking a strategic approach. However, an employee referral program (ERP) doesn’t work in a vacuum. It takes the support of your entire practice team. In part two of this comprehensive guide, I’ll delve into how you can effectively promote your ERP and foster ongoing engagement.

Camera set up for dental photography
Figure 1: Planning an exciting launch for your ERP program can get your team excited to participate.

Strategies for Promoting Your Recruitment Referral Program

Promoting your ERP begins with a clear, exciting launch and continues with sustained efforts to keep the program in the spotlight.

Here’s a few ways to kick things off and maintain interest.

1.Hold a Launch Event

Organize an event to mark the start of your ERP. This could be an in-person meeting, a virtual webinar, or even a fun social gathering. The goal is to explain the program’s benefits, how it works, and the incentives involved. Make it interactive; include a Q&A session, testimonials from employees who have successfully referred candidates in the past, or even a live demonstration on how to submit a referral.

2.Grab Attention with Marketing Materials

Create eye-catching marketing materials to spread the word about your ERP. This can include posters in shared areas, flyers in employee mailboxes, emails with detailed information, and even branded swag that promotes the program. Ensure your messaging highlights the benefits of participating, such as the rewards, the positive impact on the practice, and the opportunity to help shape the team by referring qualified candidates.

3.Keep Your Team Updated

Keep the program top of mind for employees with regular communications. This could be through email newsletters, updates in team meetings, or posts on internal social media platforms. Share successes of the program, such as the number of referrals received, stories about referred employees who are thriving, and reminders of the incentives available.

Maintaining Engagement and Keeping Your ERP Top of Mind

Keeping your team engaged with the ERP after the initial launch requires creativity, recognition, and transparency.

Here are strategies to keep engagement levels high:

Success Stories

Regularly share success stories of referrals that led to hires. Highlight the positive impact these new hires have had on the practice and the rewards the referring employees received. This not only celebrates successful referrals but also illustrates the program's value.

Incentive Reminders

Remind employees of the incentives available for successful referrals. Consider spotlighting different rewards periodically to keep the program exciting and top of mind. If possible, offer special promotions or increased incentives for hard-to-fill positions or during times when you’re ramping up hiring efforts.

Feedback Loop

Establish a feedback mechanism for employees to share their thoughts on the ERP. This could be through surveys, suggestion boxes, or feedback sessions. Use this input to make improvements to the program. Demonstrating that you value and act on employee feedback can significantly boost engagement.


Be transparent about the referral process and the status of referred candidates. If an employee makes a referral, ensure they are updated on the candidate’s progress through the hiring process, even if the referral doesn’t result in a hire. This transparency fosters trust and encourages continued participation.

Recognition Programs

Implement a recognition program for employees who participate in the ERP. This could include public acknowledgment in team meetings, featuring them in internal communications, or even creating a leaderboard for the most referrals. Recognition goes a long way in keeping employees motivated. 

Educational Resources

Provide resources and training on how to effectively use the ERP, including how to identify potential candidates, how to make a referral, and how to talk about the benefits of working at your practice. Empowering your employees with knowledge can significantly enhance their engagement with the program.


By implementing these promotion and engagement strategies, you can create a vibrant ERP that becomes a key component of your dental practice’s hiring strategy. An engaged team is more likely to participate actively, leading to more high-quality referrals and successful hires who fit well with your practice’s culture and values.

Training Your Team to Maximize Your ERP

Ensure every team member understands the ERP, including its goals, benefits, operational mechanisms, and desired candidate profiles. This foundational clarity empowers employees to make valuable referrals. You can even host instructional sessions or workshops to guide employees through the ERP process, including referral submission, candidate criteria, and rewards.

It may also help to develop and distribute a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for quick program reference. Stress the importance of referring candidates who fit both the role's requirements and the practice's culture. Discuss the positive impact of exemplary hires on practice operations and the work environment. Be sure to offer clear guidelines for identifying ideal candidates, balancing technical skills and soft skills. Finally, illustrate the value of quality referrals through successful referral examples.

Empowering Employees to Be Effective Referrers

Equip your employees with tips and strategies for networking effectively, both online and offline. Encourage them to think about their professional and personal networks as potential sources of referrals.

Here are some training areas that will also improve their ability to provide the best referrals.

  • Social media use: Offer guidance on how to use social media platforms professionally to network and identify potential referrals.

  • Elevator pitch training: Help employees craft an "elevator pitch" about your practice that they can use when talking to potential referrals. This pitch should highlight the benefits of working at your practice, the supportive work environment, and any unique selling points.

  • Communication skills development: Enhance your team’s communication skills by offering training on how to approach potential candidates and articulate the opportunities available at your practice. Effective communication can make the difference in convincing a high-quality candidate to consider a position.

  • Workshops: Consider conducting workshops focused on effective communication techniques, including how to listen actively, convey enthusiasm, and provide meaningful information about the practice and the role.

Training Your Team on Recruiting Tools

If you're using a specific software or platform for your ERP, provide comprehensive training on how to use it. Ensure everyone knows how to submit referrals, track the status of their referrals, and access any necessary information about the program.

Organize demonstration sessions where employees can see firsthand how to navigate the ERP software or platform. Include practical exercises like submitting a mock referral. Make sure there are easily accessible resources for troubleshooting or questions about the ERP platform, such as a helpdesk or dedicated IT support person.

Camera set up for dental photography
Figure 2: Continue to check in with your team and make changes as needed.

Continuously Improving Your ERP

ERP training shouldn’t be a one-time event. Offer periodic refresher courses or updates when there are changes to the program or to recruitment priorities. Schedule annual or bi-annual training sessions to update the team on any changes to the ERP and re-emphasize the importance of quality referrals.

Also, keep in mind that your team is a valuable source for improving your ERP. Encourage feedback from your team about the ERP and the training provided. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements, ensuring the training remains relevant and effective. Conduct surveys or hold focus groups to gather feedback on the ERP training sessions, asking what was helpful and what could be improved.

By investing in comprehensive training and promotion for your recruitment referral program, you empower your employees to become effective ambassadors for your dental practice, equipped to bring in high-quality referrals. This not only enhances the success of your ERP but also contributes to a more engaged and proactive workplace culture.

In my next post on ERPs for dental practices, I will delve into the metrics that matter for tracking program success.


Michael Arias is the host of The Dental Marketer podcast and founder of a ground dental marketing firm.

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