Spear Releases Restorative Techniques Pathway For Dental Assistants
By Celina Jimenez on October 6, 2017 | commentsSpear has released a new pathway designed to help dental assistants improve their understanding of three critical restorative techniques: impressions, provisionals and composites.
"Restorative Techniques For the Dental Assistant" consists of three courses: "Composites for the Dental Assistant," "Provisionals for the Dental Assistant" and "Impressions for the Dental Assistant." The pathway is designed to help dental assistants improve their understanding of basic restorative concepts and techniques for provisional restorations, composites, and impressions. As they work their way through the pathway, assistants will learn theory and basic principles behind each technique. The courses also include demonstrations of provisional and impression-taking techniques designed to create world-class outcomes.
After viewing this pathway, viewers will be able to:
- Understand the essential components of natural and implant provisional restoration
- Understand techniques for creating provisional restorations
- Understand critical components of the composite system, including similarities and variations of composite systems
- Know the benefits of an accurate impressions and consequences of an inaccurate impression, including patient trust
- Understand techniques for alginate and polyvinyl siloxane impressions