Spear has released a new curriculum introducing viewers to airway prosthodontics and essential terms, concepts and techniques involved with sleep dentistry. This curriculum includes three courses: "Creating an Airway Vocabulary," "Inspiratory Flow Limitation: Stepping Beyond Apnea" and "Upper Airway Resistance: TMD By Any Other Name."

airway prosthodontics apnea

Airway Prosthodontics is the study of aberrant breathing — when awake and asleep — and its impact on the development and health of the stomatognathic system. This specialty moves beyond sleep appliances and their impact on the airway during sleep. "Introduction to Airway Prosthodontics" is designed to introduce a shift in perspective to the clinician- encouraging them to consider how airway dysfunction can contribute to everyday conditions they see in the practice, and how effective screening can assist with the prevention of obstructive sleep apnea and related complications.

After going through this curriculum, viewers will be able to:

  • Understand the terminology of a traditional sleep study, the causes of sleep obstruction, and the health impact of a dysfunctional airway
  • See how understanding inspiratory flow limited breathing can be applied to preventing sleep apnea, and the damaging health effects of apnea-related inflammation and stress
  • Discover the interrelated nature of TMD and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and how to properly screen for UARS


Commenter's Profile Image Mark V.
August 16th, 2017
These courses are amazing!! Looking forward to more. Thank-you. I'm always looking for ways to implement predictable, research supported and structured treatment modalities like this into my practice that will help patients. I'm not sure if Dr. Rouse will see this or not, or whether he would have any advice, but I'm a Canadian dentist in a small town. I do not have easy access to an ENT for my patients. Also, I would have to send my patient to their family doctor in the hopes of getting a sleep study done. If the patient does not appear to have sleep apnea, the doctor may refuse. Nonetheless, from these courses, I believe I could still help patients with these problems. Besides doing the best I can with the resources at my disposal, I wonder if Dr. Rouse has any other advise to offer? Thanks Mark Venditti
Commenter's Profile Image Mark V.
August 17th, 2017
Dr Rouse, Thanks for the helpful and exciting information. I will definitely review your online lectures. It seems to me that if I'm going to be serious about effectively incorporating airway prosthodontids into my practice I will have to attend your workshop soon ... It looks great! Mark