Spear Updates
New Spear Online Course: “Understand the Biology of Implant Osseointegration”
By Benjamin Rojek on September 22, 2015 | commentsSpear has released a new clinical team meeting lesson.
In “When Can I Have My Tooth: Understanding the Biology of Implant Osseointegration,” Dr. Darin Dichter addresses patient confusion surrounding dental implants. Throughout the course, he go over such topics as mechanical versus primary stability, the requirements for successful osseointergration and implant loading protocols.
After viewing this lesson, you will be able to:
- Define the concepts of mechanical stability and biologic stability related to dental implants
- Understand the biologic basis of implant osseointegration and how it affects treatment time
- Learn the requirement and desired conditions for successful osseointegration
- Determine optimal loading protocols for dental implants and the risks of premature implant loading