For many of us, removable pros lab was a pain in the elbow. Yet everything we need to know about esthetics can be demonstrated in a denture setup.


The patient in the photo is wearing an old prosthesis that will be replaced with upper and lower hybrids supported by implants. She has a reverse curve in her smile, her lips aren’t supported and she has excessive overjet.

Creating a great implant supported or implant assisted prosthesis requires a basic understanding of making denture impressions and gathering appropriate records.

It's also important to know how to set teeth or create a bite rim that guides our technicians so the teeth can be put in the correct position.



These fundamental skills make implant borne prosthetics pretty straightforward after the implants have integrated. Learning how to position the maxillary central incisors in the framework of the face guides the position of every other tooth in the mouth.



I certainly can’t teach anyone how to do this in a brief article; however, the good news is that we are planning a series of digital courses that will reintroduce the practicing dentist to the fundamentals of denture impression making and denture setups. Stay tuned!


Commenter's Profile Image Bryce Adamson
April 21st, 2014
Dentures are the original full oral makeover/rehabilitation. They are the keys to move from a happy denture patient to a happy implant patient. To use a sports analogy, you may not like making "hockey pucks" but you can't score any goals without them. And my Removable Lab technician is my MVP.
Commenter's Profile Image Bradley Adey
April 22nd, 2014
This is great news. I feel that this is definitely an area where I can always improve and learn more efficient techniques. I look forward to seeing the videos!
Commenter's Profile Image Manjitsingh Bhalla
October 1st, 2014
Pretty nice explanation! Especially, a previous photograph very well explains how awkward it might be for this patient to wear a denture, when she had some dull-looking smile (due to the lips being not supported properly with the aesthetics); justifies the vast difference in the beginning only, leading to a direction where she may have much better prosthetic setup. Great a difference, later on; implant-supported dentures make her smile so enhanced is likely seen. Apart, functionality of this reconstructive prosthetic would hit the confidence too; yes, doubtlessly!