It's been another extraordinary year for the Spear Review, the publishing platform of Spear, thanks to our insightful and passionate contributors and key educators. We'd also like to sincerely thank you—our valued readers. As always, we appreciate your insightful comments and thought-provoking questions. Below are the top five most read articles of 2013.

By John Carson
As we all know the smoother we make our preparations, especially in regards to indirect restorations, the better. Smooth preparations not only facilitate easier and better fabrication they also result in increased long-term predictability of our restorations. Read more >>

By Frank Spear
The treatment for excess overjet must consider several factors in addition to identifying the original etiology that caused the problem. It is also important to realize that in many patients the excess overjet actually presents as a deep overbite from over-eruption of the anterior teeth with minimal overjet. Read more >>

By Bob Winter
A simple technique that helps to create ideal impressions is to use Scotch tape on the outer aspect of your slotted disposable trays. First, I suggest using Teledyne Master Trays, because while they are generally appropriate in size, they can be altered by heating the plastic and bending into the desired position. Read more >>

By John Carson
Have you ever done a tooth preparation and then found despite having reduced the prescribed amount of structure, you don't have the proper amount of clearance for your restoration? If you've ever had this happen, you know how puzzling and frustrating it can be. Read more >>

By Vivek Mehta
Let's say you are to restore # 19 with an MO composite restoration so you have given a 2% Lidocaine 1:100k epinephrine inferior alveolar nerve block to the patient. After 10 minutes of waiting you start the prep on the tooth and the patient reports pain. What would be the approach of choice to establish profound anesthesia? Read more >>
Read 6-10.
Bonus: Top Practice Growth Article

By Imtiaz Manji
The secret is out: You have the best job in America. U.S. News and World Report has released their annual "100 Best Jobs" review, where they evaluate considerations such as growth potential, income and lifestyle. Read more >>