“If only I knew then what I know now.” We’ve all said it at one time or another as we look back on our earlier struggles from the vantage point of hard-won experience. In fact, if you’re like most people, you’ve probably said it several times, each time you’ve had what I call an “a-ha moment,” where you learn something new and realize how your life would have been different if you’d known it earlier.
When you say this you’re not just saying it would have been nice to have had this knowledge back then. You’re suggesting that if you did, you would have done things differently—you would have acted more confidently, more decisively. You would have been more strategic with your time and resources. You would have been less distracted by noise and stayed focused on those actions that deliver optimal results. You promise yourself that that’s the way it’s going to be from now on.
What if we could take all the collected wisdom from all those “a-ha moments,” put it all together and put it to use right now? It doesn’t matter if it’s your first day of practice, or your thirtieth year—wouldn’t you like to love to have that kind of clarity from this point forward? Well, the fact is, you can do that, because the knowledge of best practices is already out there. It is possible to get the kind of clarity that removes the barriers, and to get it now. The challenge is not finding that knowledge—in fact a lot of that wisdom is just a click away on this very website. The challenge is developing the mindset of being open and ready to hear the message, and to act on the knowledge you acquire.
The question then becomes: what are you doing today so you won’t be saying “If only I knew then” tomorrow? Recognize that “then” is happening right now—tomorrow’s results are a product of today’s actions. How the patient honors their commitment to their future appointments depends on the value you create for that appointment when you have them in the chair today. Today’s diagnosis is tomorrow’s treatment. You’re creating your future as you go.
That’s what vision is. It’s having the a-ha moment early. It’s turning hindsight into foresight and acting on it. It’s not a gift that only a few people have—anyone can do it—but it does require a certain mindset and it does require a measure of courage. The courage to look beyond what’s worked in the past. The courage to set goals that stretch your abilities, to say “that was good, but I can do better.” If you want to really lead your life, you need to have the courage to grow.
So what are you doing today to ensure you won’t be looking back with regret tomorrow? Because whether you’re starting a new practice, looking toward exiting, or just ready to go the next level, the future is now. If you want to do it right, whatever “it” is, start putting together your vision today. Surround yourself with the right people—people who see your higher value, who can offer comprehensive, integrated support—and identify your possibilities. Then make your plan concrete, with the right strategies to implement and the right indicators to track, so you’ll be able to minimize the noise and focus your time and resources with confidence. From there, it’s just a matter of sticking to the plan. It’s no secret that the people who arrive at great success are the people who knew where they were going all along.