And if there is one thing that stands out for me when reflecting on the power of mentorship, it is the realization that just about everyone has unique knowledge and insights to share.
The Mentorship Equation
What makes for an effective mentor? It's not necessarily about age or experience. I have learned too many useful things from people younger than me (my sons, for instance, come to mind) to believe that being older automatically means you have the right answers or a more valid perspective.
It's not necessarily about achievements. The coaches who work with elite athletes may not have been better performers at the sport in question than the people they train. But they know enough and have seen enough to be able to evaluate technique, suggest changes – and most of all – provide that all-important outside-in view.
All of which is to say, don't let your pride in your experience, or your confidence in your abilities, prevent you from opening yourself up to new ideas and honest appraisals from enthusiastic colleagues who share in your passion to pursue excellence, whoever they may be.
So get out to a course like one of our hands-on workshops, where you will have access to on-site mentorship from our Faculty Club on hand who can provide by-your-side guidance. Get involved with a study club and find out what other dental professionals in your area are thinking and doing as you examine new approaches together. Get involved with a forum such as Spear TALK where you can exchange ideas with other dentists everywhere, all the time. Because you never know who is going to provide you with your next great "I wish I had known that before" breakthrough idea.

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