Free Your Mind To Be Successful
By Imtiaz Manji on December 17, 2013 | 4 commentsAnything worth achieving in life requires focus. This is true whether it is a simple task, a complex project, or a life-enhancing moment. Many of us pride ourselves on our ability to maintain our attention in the midst of distractions and noise. But as Daniel Goleman points out in his recent book, "Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence," the real enemy of focus is not outside activity and distractions, but rather the emotionally-charged things that weigh on our minds.
That brings us to my next philosophical nugget in this year-end countdown:
A free mind is a focused mind.
I touched on this in my recent article, “Don't Worry, Be Happy” where I talk about the folly of worry. Chronic worry can sap us of our energy and can suck the joy out of life. And one way it does that is by impairing our ability to focus. As Goleman writes in his book, most of us have become pretty good at tuning out the literal background noise in any given moment when we have something to do. What is much harder is tuning out the voices in your head that speak to you on an emotional level – an argument with a spouse, a conflict with a co-worker, worries about economics, concerns about the future of your career and your practice. These are the kind of things that pull you away from the focus you need to achieve great things.
So take a moment to reflect and identify those recurring emotional distractions. Then take the first steps in arriving at solutions that will relieve your anxieties or, if nothing can be done, resolve to let it go. Don't let these emotional parasites take up residence in your mind.
This is at the same time a very simple and difficult exercise. But once you have cleared away that mental clutter, you will be surprised at the intensity of your focus, and what that can mean for your personal and professional advancement.
December 17th, 2013
December 18th, 2013
December 18th, 2013
December 18th, 2013