Can't Afford Time Away? Run the Numbers
By Imtiaz Manji on April 20, 2012 | 0 commentsWhen I say that every successful dentist needs “AWAY” time (time spent away from the facility working on the practice), I sometimes hear the objection that it is simply not feasible, that some dentists simply can't afford to take the time away from producing revenue.
But let's take a closer look at the numbers.
If you're working 190 to 210 days a year, one day represents about one-half of one percent of revenues. So, assuming no change in expenses, that means that with growth of only 2 percent in your hourly above the usual growth you need to account for inflation, you would reach last year's revenue total four days earlier (.5 percent x 4), thereby earning yourself one week of flexibility.
But that seems very modest, so why stop there? Using this formula we can see that 8 percent growth (.5 percent x 4 x 4) gets you four weeks of free “away” time.
That kind of growth shouldn't seem out of line for anyone. In fact, I know it isn't. In my experience, almost every practice can grow 50 percent over three to five years. That means every practice has it within its means to create the growth that will allow it to completely re-invent itself in a short time.
And here's another secret: As soon as you re-invest the initial growth you achieve in that focused “away” time – where you work on your clinical and value excellence and learn how to implement the right strategies – the revenue gains come that much quicker and easier, which sets you on track for more rapid growth and additional away time possibilities. It's an upward spiral of growth and development and it all starts with understanding the hidden value in your practice right now.