Yesterday, Cheryl's Buick told her to pull over and turn off the engine. She did. Cheryl has always listened to those with more information than her and she had no reason to doubt her Buick. The radiator reservoir was empty and new vehicles have a sensor in there that interprets empty as really bad – WHEN IT IS SAFE, PULL OVER AND TURN OFF THE ENGINE bad. So it was off to the dealer for an examination and treatment plan. They don't allow parents to go back with their Buicks (for “safety” reasons according to the sign) but they told us the water pump was leaking and needed replacement. We left the Buick and headed home.
I kept thinking about whether or not the Buick really needed a water pump, it only has 60,000 miles on it, isn't that the usual thing they say when the radiator system is involved? Maybe we're being taken for a ride (lots of places to go with that one when we're talking about Buicks, right?) because that's what I've heard those car places do. I grew up in a gas station! Like Frank, my dad owned a service station and I have a lifetime spent working on cars. Wouldn't I KNOW if Cheryl's Buick needed a water pump? By the way, I really do trust our service at this particular dealer.
SHOW ME. I NEED to SEE it and experience it even when there is trust already there. It's too hard to battle the influence of the horror stories I've heard.
The parallel to what we do our patients everyday was powerful for me, “That tooth needs a crown.” They say OK, they smile and go up front, they LOVE and TRUST me! They go home and somewhere inside that little voice says “I wonder if I REALLY need a crown, I've heard they always say that, and besides, wouldn't I KNOW if I needed a crown? I've had teeth my whole life and my parents had teeth and I don't think every tooth needs to ...
You get the idea. They need to see it, to experience it, to ask for it, EVEN WHEN THEY LOVE US. Help them ask.
I know the Buick will be better and I know the Buick is at the right place. I hope they have the old water pump to show me when we pick her up.