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Spear Digest Dental Articles

What is The "Grand-Doctor" Role?

What is The "Grand-Doctor" Role?

We're all familiar with the traditional work/retirement model: You work hard earning income and saving until you hit your target retirement date and hang it...

| 12 years ago
The Secret That Makes Dentists Great

The Secret That Makes Dentists Great

I have been deeply involved in dentistry for more than 30 years now. I started out by introducing dentists to practice management software and...

| 12 years ago
The Smell and Memory Connection

The Smell and Memory Connection

Years ago, I recall learning about the smell and memory connection in dental school. It fascinated me that there is such a strong associative link between...

| 12 years ago
How to Make the Most of the Nature of Change

How to Make the Most of the Nature of Change

Change is the only constant. That's a common expression, one that I think is really true – especially when it comes to human nature. Try to...

| 12 years ago
Leadership Lessons From a 16-Year-Old Philanthropist

Leadership Lessons From a 16-Year-Old Philanthropist

When I first met young Michael Guggenheim and heard his story, I was moved and impressed. Michael is the son of my good friend, Paul Guggenheim,...

| 12 years ago
The Difference Between Goals and Vision

The Difference Between Goals and Vision

Are you setting goals for your dental practice and your personal life?

| 12 years ago
What Every New Patient Needs to Hear

What Every New Patient Needs to Hear

One of the biggest failures in patient communication often occurs with the very first contact. If you're taking a call from a new patient and you simply...

| 12 years ago
Are You Avoiding the Money Issue?

Are You Avoiding the Money Issue?

Not surprisingly, there's been a lot of discussion in the dental community about the recent Frontline show 'Dollars and Dentists.' I'm not going to...

| 12 years ago
The Top Five Excuses for Being Good Rather Than Great

The Top Five Excuses for Being Good Rather Than Great

1. That's the way we've always done it. Dental practices thrive on routine, so it's easy to get entrenched in systems, and for team members to get...

| 12 years ago
How Are Your Sick Sheep?

How Are Your Sick Sheep?

Dr. Gary DeWood once told the story of the 20 (sick) sheep. If one dies, how many are left? Depending upon how or what is heard, the answer often...

| 12 years ago
Make Today Your Interdependence Day

Make Today Your Interdependence Day

'We hold these truths to be self-evident...' Those famous words from the Declaration of Independence helped launch a great nation. And as we celebrate the...

| 12 years ago
Is It Time for a Mid-Career Makeover?

Is It Time for a Mid-Career Makeover?

'I don't want to be a product of my environment,' Jack Nicholson says at the beginning of The Departed, 'I want my environment to be a product of me.' It's a...

| 12 years ago