A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate: Part II
Recently, I wrote an article about a strategy for integrating a new associate into the practice. It produced some passionate responses in the comments...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›The 'First Five' Philosophy of Success
When a coach gives a rousing locker room speech before a game he knows that what he says may be a distant memory by the time the players are deep into...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›The 'Holes in the Fence' Theory of Anger Management
There is a story about a young boy who had difficulty managing his temper. One day his father had an idea. He gave the boy a bag of nails and a hammer...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›The Hidden Benefits of Choosing the Right Words
I heard about an interesting study recently. Researchers came to find that if you tell people to 'not forget' something they are more likely to forget...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Why Patients Think You're Great
What makes a dentist great? This is a question that dentists and patients usually approach differently. One clinician can admire another for their expertise,...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Competing in Today's Economic Landscape
More people these days think of dentistry in terms of lifestyle-enhancing makeovers. They look at high-profile people in the media-saturated world around...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate
Making the decision to add another dentist to the practice is a huge commitment, which is probably why many dentist-owners wait too long before doing...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›A dental practice is a place that depends on smooth-running systems: systems for appointing, collecting and delivering the right patient experience. Without...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Are You Still Babysitting Your Patients?
As a parent, I spent a lot of time when my sons were young trying to get them to do things for their own good. Whether it was doing their homework and...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away
I often remind dentists that they are in competition not with other dentists but with all the other discretionary spending choices their patients have....
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›The Secret to Getting Out of the Time Trap
Almost all the pressures, anxieties and stresses in life rotate around three things: your time, money and relationships. And if you are like most people,...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Your Ideal Life is Closer Than You Think
It can often seem that the ideal life you envision for yourself as a dentist is miles away from reality and that it would take years or huge improvements...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›