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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Condylar Inclination? I'm Just Restoring the Front Teeth...

Most of us are doing diagnostic wax-ups before restoring front teeth – we might even be using the wax-up to make a stent for our provisional...

| 10 years ago
Trust the Process

Trust the Process

During a recent Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop I was talking to a participant about how much of an impact the routine use of Facially...

| 10 years ago
Is the Staining 'Triple-Threat' Working Against You?

Is the Staining 'Triple-Threat' Working Against You?

Would you be open to the possibility that most conditions that we see in dentistry are multi-factorial and ambiguous? I thought so.

| 10 years ago
Why Clinical Photography Makes Sense

Why Clinical Photography Makes Sense

Have you ever finished a beautiful posterior composite with great primary anatomy, beautiful color match and pristine margins? Of course you have. Have...

| 10 years ago
Examining Patients With An Outside-In Approach

Examining Patients With An Outside-In Approach

Well-defined systems within our offices, such as scheduling, financial arrangements and specialist referrals promote predictable flow and consistency. ...

| 10 years ago
How to Make Sense of the Noise of Articulating Paper

How to Make Sense of the Noise of Articulating Paper

Adjusting the bite on new amalgam or composite restorations can be a daily challenge. With intra-coronal restorations like these we can at least look...

| 10 years ago
If You Think You Thought of Everything, Ask Your Patient

If You Think You Thought of Everything, Ask Your Patient

Edges of anterior teeth are chipped and broken on a regular basis. They are broken during playground accidents, chipped while drinking from a glass...

| 10 years ago
Primary Anatomy for Anterior Provisionals

Primary Anatomy for Anterior Provisionals

It is well documented that tooth shape and size, and other disparities are more easily recognized and scrutinized by dentists and non-dentists alike,...

| 10 years ago
Articulating Tape: I Can See Clearly Now

Articulating Tape: I Can See Clearly Now

I hope I'm not the only dentist that struggles when placing some kind (really, any and all kinds) of tape, ribbon, or colored paper into my patient's...

| 10 years ago
An Easy Way to Achieve Predictability

An Easy Way to Achieve Predictability

Many dentists abandon some of the concepts taught in dental school because they seem 'academic.' Even worse, the steps or techniques were seen as just another...

| 10 years ago