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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Are You Capturing All the Value in Your Practice?

Are You Capturing All the Value in Your Practice?

It's a simple fact of life in dentistry that a practice's productivity is limited by the time of the provider. You only have so many hours to work with...

| 10 years ago
The Four Words That Can Change a Life

The Four Words That Can Change a Life

This is a photo of my mom giving me a scalp massage. Since the time I was born she has always had a way of making me feel better and knowing when I...

| 10 years ago
The Trust and Value Equation

The Trust and Value Equation

Do your patients trust you? Before you answer that we should stop and think about what we mean by trust because this really is at the heart of the dentist-patient...

| 10 years ago
Dentistry That Speaks to the Heart

Dentistry That Speaks to the Heart

My sons are fanatical sports fans and they love going to games in person. Personally, I never used to be a big follower of sports but with those two around...

| 10 years ago
Finding the Right 'Mix' in Life

Finding the Right 'Mix' in Life

I have often said that the perfect 'retirement' is when you are doing what you love to do. If you are doing what you would choose to do if money were...

| 10 years ago
Lessons From a Young Traveler

Lessons From a Young Traveler

I was boarding my flight from London to Davos, Switzerland this week and as I settled in I noticed my seatmate in business class: a young girl, about...

| 10 years ago
Learning to Love a Half-Empty Glass

Learning to Love a Half-Empty Glass

I visited my father again last weekend. When you have a parent who is in the last stages of life, you can't help but reflect on the greater meanings of...

| 10 years ago
Dad's Lesson Rediscovered

Dad's Lesson Rediscovered

Last weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada and I spent it back in Vancouver visiting with family. Primarily though, I was there to see my Dad who is currently...

| 10 years ago
The Problem with Perfectionism

The Problem with Perfectionism

Dentistry is a profession that demands precision. Whenever I watch a gathering of dentists examine and discuss the fine points of a case study I am always...

| 10 years ago
Are You Guilty of Doing the 'Hygiene Check Hustle?'

Are You Guilty of Doing the 'Hygiene Check Hustle?'

It's a very common frustration among hygienists. They identify an area of concern during the hygiene visit and they tell the patient that the dentist...

| 10 years ago
How the 'iPhone Factor' Can Change Your Practice

How the 'iPhone Factor' Can Change Your Practice

How much do you suppose the average smartphone user will spend on their phone over the next 10 years? If you factor in monthly charges for...

| 10 years ago
The One Quality to Look for When Hiring

The One Quality to Look for When Hiring

Several years ago I was dining with the vice-president of a major dental technology company and shortly after being seated, we quickly fell into deep,...

| 10 years ago