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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Hidden Cost of Accounts Receivables

The Hidden Cost of Accounts Receivables

The most common cause of difficulties in relationships is mismatched expectations. And as we all know, when those expectations revolve around money, things...

| 11 years ago
How to Get Your Schedule to Work for You

How to Get Your Schedule to Work for You

If you are still scheduling on a strictly 'first come, first served' basis, doing whatever procedures come in, whenever they come in. You are being driven...

| 11 years ago
A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate: Part II

A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate: Part II

Recently, I wrote an article about a strategy for integrating a new associate into the practice. It produced some passionate responses in the comments...

| 11 years ago
The 'First Five' Philosophy of Success

The 'First Five' Philosophy of Success

When a coach gives a rousing locker room speech before a game he knows that what he says may be a distant memory by the time the players are deep into...

| 11 years ago
The 'Holes in the Fence' Theory of Anger Management

The 'Holes in the Fence' Theory of Anger Management

There is a story about a young boy who had difficulty managing his temper. One day his father had an idea. He gave the boy a bag of nails and a hammer...

| 11 years ago
The Hidden Benefits of Choosing the Right Words

The Hidden Benefits of Choosing the Right Words

I heard about an interesting study recently. Researchers came to find that if you tell people to 'not forget' something they are more likely to forget...

| 11 years ago
Why Patients Think You're Great

Why Patients Think You're Great

What makes a dentist great? This is a question that dentists and patients usually approach differently. One clinician can admire another for their expertise,...

| 11 years ago
Competing in Today's Economic Landscape

Competing in Today's Economic Landscape

More people these days think of dentistry in terms of lifestyle-enhancing makeovers. They look at high-profile people in the media-saturated world around...

| 11 years ago
A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate

A Great Strategy to Integrate a New Associate

Making the decision to add another dentist to the practice is a huge commitment, which is probably why many dentist-owners wait too long before doing...

| 11 years ago
Don't Hide in Your Systems

Don't Hide in Your Systems

A dental practice is a place that depends on smooth-running systems: systems for appointing, collecting and delivering the right patient experience. Without...

| 11 years ago
Are You Still Babysitting Your Patients?

Are You Still Babysitting Your Patients?

As a parent, I spent a lot of time when my sons were young trying to get them to do things for their own good. Whether it was doing their homework and...

| 11 years ago
Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

Three Questions to Ask About the Patient Who Got Away

I often remind dentists that they are in competition not with other dentists but with all the other discretionary spending choices their patients have....

| 11 years ago