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Spear Digest Dental Articles

What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself?

What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself?

Psychologists call it self-talk; the internal dialogue inside our head that provides a running commentary of our life. It's the voice you hear most often...

| 12 years ago
The Truth is Out There

The Truth is Out There

'If only I knew then what I know now.' We've all said it at one time or another as we look back on our earlier struggles from the vantage point of hard-won experience....

| 12 years ago
What Can The Olympics Teach Us About Patients

What Can The Olympics Teach Us About Patients

Unless you're an avid swimming enthusiast I bet that you seldom follow swimming competitions. But in the last few days, millions of people are suddenly...

| 12 years ago
How to Supercharge Your Office Manager

How to Supercharge Your Office Manager

How did you select your office manager? What qualities were you looking for? In many cases, an office manager is simply a senior team member who...

| 12 years ago
Watch for Hidden "Time Bandits"

Watch for Hidden "Time Bandits"

Dentists are usually good at spotting gaps in their schedule. If you see an available time slot without a patient name it's easy to recognize the lost...

| 12 years ago
Checklist for Associate Success

Checklist for Associate Success

As a senior dentist, taking on a new associate is all about mentorship and guidance. Be sure you're creating an environment of success with this quick...

| 12 years ago
Where Do You Draw the Line?

Where Do You Draw the Line?

Every dentist, whether they think about it or not, has a line. It's a line represented by a dollar amount. Anything up to that line they feel comfortable...

| 12 years ago
Do You Talk About Dentistry?

Do You Talk About Dentistry?

You have a patient in the chair. She has an esthetic need that is obvious to anyone who has seen her smile. You're both aware of it, yet neither one of...

| 12 years ago
What is The "Grand-Doctor" Role?

What is The "Grand-Doctor" Role?

We're all familiar with the traditional work/retirement model: You work hard earning income and saving until you hit your target retirement date and hang it...

| 12 years ago
The Secret That Makes Dentists Great

The Secret That Makes Dentists Great

I have been deeply involved in dentistry for more than 30 years now. I started out by introducing dentists to practice management software and...

| 12 years ago
How to Make the Most of the Nature of Change

How to Make the Most of the Nature of Change

Change is the only constant. That's a common expression, one that I think is really true – especially when it comes to human nature. Try to...

| 12 years ago
Leadership Lessons From a 16-Year-Old Philanthropist

Leadership Lessons From a 16-Year-Old Philanthropist

When I first met young Michael Guggenheim and heard his story, I was moved and impressed. Michael is the son of my good friend, Paul Guggenheim,...

| 12 years ago