Root banking is not a very common procedure when treating patients that have lost an anterior tooth. In a really esthetically-concerned patient, it's...
Mark Fleming | 12 years ago ›There Are Two Kinds of Dental Practices ...
The Capabilities-Driven Practice is built around the business and patient model that became the standard for dentistry around 1967, when insurance...
Imtiaz Manji | 12 years ago ›How to Prevent and Manage Bonded Contacts
With the increased use of bonded all-ceramic materials in dentistry today, particularly in the posterior, one frustration I hear repeatedly from my fellow...
John Carson | 12 years ago ›Why Dentists Shouldn't Be Bankers
How much are you paying your patients for the privilege of performing their dentistry? Make no mistake, as long as you're carrying outstanding accounts...
Imtiaz Manji | 12 years ago ›Since today is National Tooth Fairy Day, (although it's also observed on February 28) we thought you might be curious about the origins of this...
Denise Prichard | 12 years ago ›Shade Evaluation of All-Ceramic Restorations at Try-In
Accurate shade evaluation is critical to the success of a case. When opaque restorations such as porcelain fused-to-metal crowns are fabricated, the shade...
Robert Winter | 12 years ago ›Tooth Wear Appliances: Full Arch Maxillary and Full Arch Mandibular
Conceptually, full coverage appliances decrease elevator muscle activity in excursive movements if they are designed with anterior guidance, but...
Frank Spear | 12 years ago ›In business everyone understands how desirable it is to achieve 'brand recognition.' But out of all the things people perceive about you and your practice, what...
Imtiaz Manji | 12 years ago ›Take a Capsule to Fight Gum Disease?
Scientists described another treatment approach for gum disease in a report delivered at the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American...
Abigail Pfeiffer | 12 years ago ›A single plan that creates a beautiful smile for everyone simply does not exist. When treating patients for esthetics, you have to individualize your...
Mark Fleming | 12 years ago ›Don't let downtime in your hygiene schedule fool you into thinking there is no room for growth. Every schedule will have some down time. However, almost...
Imtiaz Manji | 12 years ago ›MythBusters: Dentistry Edition
With all the information on the Internet, misinformation spreads easily. In this article, examine the top 5 dental myths your patients might...
Denise Prichard | 12 years ago ›