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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Dr. Parker Mahan: Cranio-Facial Pain and Restorative Practice

Dr. Parker Mahan: Cranio-Facial Pain and Restorative Practice

Parker Mahan, DDS, PhD (7.11.1927 – 8.1.2010) Dr. Parker Mahan was one of the most influential academicians and clinicians in...

| 9 years ago
The Power of Finding the Right Words

The Power of Finding the Right Words

That is quite a poignant reminder, isn't it, of the power of the right words to elicit the right response? It's a reminder that we, as human beings, are...

| 9 years ago
You Only Treat What You See...

You Only Treat What You See...

Consider this patient who did exactly what her dentist suggested; she cracked her lower left second molar and it split in half and had to be extracted....

| 9 years ago
February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month

February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month

Each year, the month of February is recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) as National Children's Dental Health Month to aid in increasing...

| 9 years ago
A Tip to Increase Wear Time of an Anterior Appliance

A Tip to Increase Wear Time of an Anterior Appliance

As it is taught in as taught in Spear's Occlusion workshop, partial coverage appliances like NTIs and anterior bite planes can be wonderful appliances...

| 9 years ago
A Story of Friendship: How I Got to the Super Bowl

A Story of Friendship: How I Got to the Super Bowl

Yes, that's me, alongside my good friend Jeff Slovin, the CEO of Sirona Dental Systems, at last Sunday's Super Bowl game. How I— someone who had never...

| 9 years ago
The Successful Patient is Now Live!

The Successful Patient is Now Live!

The restorative practice encompasses many opportunities to incorporate and apply effective periodontal therapies. In doing this, the dentist can get to...

| 9 years ago
One Strategy to Change Staff Behavior

One Strategy to Change Staff Behavior

One of the greatest mistakes I have seen countless managers and business owners make is convincing themselves that they will be able to influence everyone's...

| 9 years ago
A Reminder of What Really Matters

A Reminder of What Really Matters

I was in Santa Barbara recently for a very special celebration. Lisa Wysel, the wife of Dr. Glen Wysel, my partner and one of my closest friends, was...

| 9 years ago
Creating Models and Restorations Without Impressions

Creating Models and Restorations Without Impressions

Wouldn't it be great if we could get all of our dentistry done without ever taking impressions? I think most of us are nodding yes right now.

| 9 years ago
Avoid This Communication Killer

Avoid This Communication Killer

It's the kind of conversation couples have all the time. I was at my office at the campus, talking on the phone with Shelli, and as the conversation was...

| 9 years ago
Shortened Dental Arch

Shortened Dental Arch

A phased restorative treatment strategy can provide the opportunity for many of our patients to proceed with a plan requiring a significant financial...

| 9 years ago