A Primer on Soft Denture Liners
We offer a comprehensive look at soft denture liners, from the categories of liners to adhesion research.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 3 years ago ›The Pros and Cons of Thermoplastic Partial Dentures
Dr. Mary Ann Salcetti discusses the advances in thermoplastic materials and their use in prosthetic dentistry.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 3 years ago ›8 Considerations in Denture Relining
Improve your denture relining techniques with these 8 steps to...
Mary Anne Salcetti | 3 years ago ›The 3 Most Critical Checklists to Use in the Dental Practice
Whether you recently opened a new dental practice or purchased an existing one with outdated protocols, addressing these checklist items will help with...
Mary Anne Salcetti | 5 years ago ›Etch vs. Ivoclean: Cleaning Up the Ceramic Confusion
Dr. Mary Anne Salcetti takes a look at ceramic restorations and their cleaning and etching.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 6 years ago ›What Is the Best Type of Triple Tray Material?
Here's why you should consider what your triple trays are made out of just as much as your impression materials.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 7 years ago ›A Primer on Locator Abutments for Implant Overdentures
Here's a quick look at the benefits and complications surrounding the use of a locator abutment.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 8 years ago ›Learn more about closing an endodontic access opening through a crown.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 8 years ago ›Pontic Design Considerations: A Comprehensive Review
Pontic shape types, design principles, modifications - and communicating with your lab about all of this - is covered in this thorough review of pontic...
Mary Anne Salcetti | 8 years ago ›Understanding Removable Partial Denture Materials
We look at iFlex by tcs, a biocompatible thermoplastic material.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 8 years ago ›These 4 Questions Can Save Your Patient’s Life
Using the STOP-Bang Sleep Apnea Questionnaire in your dental practice could help you more easily diagnose obstructive sleep apnea in your patients.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 9 years ago ›Applying a Pontic Barrier on a Surgical Site
Here's a quick and relatively easy way to apply a pontic barrier on a surgical site.
Mary Anne Salcetti | 9 years ago ›