A Comparison of Orthodontic Retention Options
In this in-depth look at orthodontic retainers, we show how each can be used and their advantages/disadvantages.
Donna Stenberg | 7 years ago ›Cephalometrics and the Restorative Connection Part One: Soft Tissue Profile
When treatment planning restorative dentistry, ensure you consider the facial profile and these soft tissue cephalometrics.
Donna Stenberg | 8 years ago ›A 10-Step Occlusion Checklist for the Hygiene Room
By utilizing this 10-step checklist, dental teams can better track the developing occlusion of patients.
Donna Stenberg | 8 years ago ›Leaf Gauge and the Orthodontic Finish
Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning often includes using mounted casts to evaluate the occlusion and plan the mechanics for treatment. With mounted...
Donna Stenberg | 9 years ago ›Missing Laterals and Esthetic Space Maintenance
Missing upper laterals can present with several challenges to the treating interdisciplinary team. At study club this topic brings up discussions that...
Donna Stenberg | 9 years ago ›Expanding Your Thoughts on Airway
An increasing number of studies are helping us to become more aware of the effects of airway issues on our adult patients. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA),...
Donna Stenberg | 9 years ago ›Solving the Overjet Puzzle with Play-Doh: Part II
Once your double layer pour up is trimmed to the wax bite, use a lab saw cut through the distal contact of the teeth to be reset. In this case...
Donna Stenberg | 10 years ago ›Solving the Overjet Puzzle with Play-Doh: Part I
Facially generated treatment planning guides us to establish the correct place for the anterior teeth in the face and the smile first. What often...
Donna Stenberg | 10 years ago ›