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Spear Digest Dental Articles

5 Helpful Tips for All-Ceramic Restorations

5 Helpful Tips for All-Ceramic Restorations

Learn how best to address etching, temporary cementation, shade evaluation and other issues key to producing more effective all-ceramic restorations.

| 5 years ago
Options for Determining Vertical Dimension with Edentulous Patients (Part 2)

Options for Determining Vertical Dimension with Edentulous Patients (Part 2)

Learn approaches to determining occlusal vertical dimension with the goal of building confidence in managing edentulous patients.

| 5 years ago
Heated Composite for Efficient Restorations

Heated Composite for Efficient Restorations

Many clinicians have heard of the concept of heating composite but just how beneficial and effective is it?

| 5 years ago
A New Generation of Zirconia

A New Generation of Zirconia

A new zirconia called IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime, which uses a new gradient manufacturing technology, produces a restoration that is more esthetic than previous zirconia...

| 5 years ago
Modern Materials for Pulpal Protection

Modern Materials for Pulpal Protection

Calcium hydroxide is a standard for maintaining pulp vitality in cases where the pulp is exposed, but it has limitations, and mineral trioxide aggregate...

| 5 years ago
Try Before You Buy: Evaluating Indirect Restorative Impression Materials

Try Before You Buy: Evaluating Indirect Restorative Impression Materials

Your guide to evaluating and selecting restorative impression materials that provide accuracy and predictability.

| 5 years ago
Managing ‘Kissing Contacts’

Managing ‘Kissing Contacts’

Explore ways to predictably deliver tight and well-contoured contacts from composite and what some clinicians refer to as 'kissing contacts.'

| 5 years ago
Study Club Module: Treatment Options for Long-Term Provisionalization

Study Club Module: Treatment Options for Long-Term Provisionalization

This new study club module address treatment alternatives and provides several case studies to demonstrate how to use resin-bonded bridges for fixed long-term...

| 5 years ago
Why Photography is Essential in Your Practice

Why Photography is Essential in Your Practice

Learn why stronger clinical photography is such an important tool to improve communication and facilitate improved patient outcomes.

| 5 years ago
Utilizing Laser to Remove Ceramic Veneers

Utilizing Laser to Remove Ceramic Veneers

Utilizing laser to remove ceramic veneers degrades the bonding interface with hydrolysis of the water in the resin cement, leading to easy removal.

| 5 years ago
Restorative Design and the Sterile Pencil

Restorative Design and the Sterile Pencil

How can the use of red pencil lines help you improve your tooth reduction planning?

| 6 years ago
Root Banking in 3 Steps

Root Banking in 3 Steps

Root banking can be a great treatment option. Find out why and how to do it successfully in just three steps.

| 6 years ago