This free examination checklist will not only help you ensure you're offering the most comprehensive experience; it'll help your patients understand your...
Gary DeWood | 7 years ago ›The ingenius treatment planning template created by Frank Spear many years ago has been added to. The template gives the restorative dentist a visual...
Gary DeWood | 12 years ago ›In the last decade of the 20th century esthetics changed dentistry, and it continues to be a powerful force today. Esthetics is a branch of philosophy...
Gary DeWood | 12 years ago ›This maxillary right central incisor is going away. The resorption evident on the root has left it little support, and it exhibits a 3+...
Gary DeWood | 13 years ago ›Composite materials in dentistry have come of age during my career. When I was at Case Western Reserve Dental School in Cleveland we had Adaptic,...
Gary DeWood | 13 years ago ›'OK Mrs. Jones, I'm just going to run in the back and stain that restoration we tried in. It will only take a minute, and then we can cement it and get...
Gary DeWood | 13 years ago ›I was speaking to a patient recently and I asked if she wanted to do something about her 'gummy smile.' 'What gummy smile?' she responded, and then asked for a...
Gary DeWood | 15 years ago ›If you are like me (and most other dentists), nothing is ever exactly what I want. The second molars in the picture above have occlusal milled composite...
Gary DeWood | 15 years ago ›