New Course: Managing Open Interdental Spaces with Indirect Veneers
By Bonnie Serino on September 23, 2020 |
Managing open interdental spaces – like a diastema or black triangle – can create challenges for the dental team, esthetic concerns for the patient, and lead to the formation of plaque accumulation areas or food traps.
The new Spear Online continuing education course “Managing Open Interdental Spaces with Indirect Veneers” taught by Spear Resident Faculty member Dr. Bob Winter is designed to help restorative doctors overcome those challenging cases.
“Today, patients are more aware of dental esthetics and demand more than just a replacement of a missing tooth or closing a gap,” Dr. Winter said.
“But knowing how to properly manage open interdental spaces and papilla is a challenge for many practitioners, and it can also be a point of frustration for laboratory technicians,” he said.
With the new course, Spear Online members will learn how to resolve open interdental spaces with indirect restorations and how to best communicate clinical information with a lab technician to predictably establish the correct gingival embrasure and interdental contact length.
Dr. Winter provides guidelines and protocols to predictably create long-term esthetic solutions and biologically sound outcomes.
Course objectives are:
- Examine the reasons for open interdental spaces and their indirect restorative solutions.
- Relate concepts of proper preparation design to predictably close interdental spaces.
- Discuss how to use provisional restorations to guide and support the papilla.
- Communicate effectively with the technician to establish the correct gingival embrasure.
Lessons in this course include:
- Course Overview & Objectives
- Assessment and Identification
- Interproximal Gingival Finish Line Location
- Interdental Finish Line Location
- Provisional Fabrication
- Communication with the Technician
- Veneer Insertion