The TV show, Undercover Boss, has become something of a phenomenon lately. If you haven't seen it, it's about CEOs posing as front-line workers in their...
Imtiaz Manji | 14 years ago ›This bridge has been in place for about 20 years. The patient is beginning a comprehensive course of treatment and we are getting ready for ortho so...
Steve Ratcliff | 14 years ago ›I was speaking to a patient recently and I asked if she wanted to do something about her 'gummy smile.' 'What gummy smile?' she responded, and then asked for a...
Gary DeWood | 14 years ago ›I am asked on a regular basis if I still practice or if I only lead Spear Study Clubs and teach. I understand the question, but it still takes me by surprise....
Steve Ratcliff | 15 years ago ›An article in The New York Times, When Stress Takes a Toll on Your Teeth, talks about a recent unexpected phenomenon dentists are seeing as a result of...
Imtiaz Manji | 15 years ago ›I have worked with thousands of dentists over the last 15 years of teaching, and I have learned that the dentists who are most successful in their...
Steve Ratcliff | 15 years ago ›Advancing Academic Leadership in Dentistry
June was a very special month for me and my lecture partners of the past 25 years, Vince Kokich and Dave Mathews. On June 12th, we gave a benefit...
Frank Spear | 15 years ago ›