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Spear Digest Dental Articles

One Simple Solution for Time-Crunch Stress

One Simple Solution for Time-Crunch Stress

The most common source of stress I see is the 'never enough time' syndrome. Never enough time for the work you need to do. Never enough time for the things...

| 11 years ago
Two Ways to Become a Standout Dentist

Two Ways to Become a Standout Dentist

The majority of patients believe that most dentists are good – and they're right. Dentistry as a whole has demonstrated consistently high...

| 11 years ago
Be on the Lookout for This Patient ...

Be on the Lookout for This Patient ...

I've been hearing in the news how this past Easter weekend was one of the best in recent memory for retailers. There have also been reports from the Census...

| 11 years ago
Why It's Great to be a Dentist

Why It's Great to be a Dentist

The secret is out: You have the best job in America. U.S. News and World Report has released their annual '100 Best Jobs' review, where they evaluate considerations...

| 11 years ago
The 'Smart Practice' Solution

The 'Smart Practice' Solution

You can always spot the dentists who have truly internalized a modern approach to dentistry. They're the ones who use technology in an integrated way...

| 11 years ago
A Competitive Advantage for Dentists

A Competitive Advantage for Dentists

Think about all the things that are withdrawn from your account automatically each month: your cell phone payment, cable and Internet service, and so...

| 11 years ago
Two Words That Always Capture Attention

Two Words That Always Capture Attention

There is a reason that advertisers have for generations been using the phrase 'new and improved.' It's a natural human instinct to be drawn toward things that...

| 11 years ago
The Most Important Three Seconds ...

The Most Important Three Seconds ...

If I could give one piece of advice to all people who staff the front desks of dental practices, it would be to look up. When I present myself in front...

| 11 years ago
Where to Find the 'Right Patients'

Where to Find the 'Right Patients'

Just about every dentist eventually reaches the point in his or her career when it is time to 'go deeper to go higher.' In the early stages of a practice's development,...

| 11 years ago
The Grand Importance of Small Kindness

The Grand Importance of Small Kindness

One of the more memorable speakers I saw at the recent TED conference was a young woman named Orly Wahba who had a very simple, yet powerful message....

| 11 years ago
The Problem With Cherry-Picking

The Problem With Cherry-Picking

You will probably not be surprised to hear that as the CEO of a dental education company I have strong opinions on the value of continuing education for...

| 11 years ago
A Creative Approach to Problems and Solutions

A Creative Approach to Problems and Solutions

Suppose you're in a busy three-operatory practice with limited space. You have been working on your presentation and value-creation strategies and you...

| 11 years ago