I changed dry cleaners recently. Briefly. It's not that I had any objections to the quality of service I was getting from my usual dry cleaner. Quite...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Are You Ready for the Exceptional Patient? [Ed.]
Your dental practice is a lot like a public school. The public school system can handle a lot of students quite efficiently. But 'efficiently' is...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Create Your Own Awareness Campaign for Patients
Where are the great marketing campaigns for modern dentistry? Remember those 'Got Milk?' ads that ran for so long? They took something that was already a...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›A Story of Real Customer-Focused Service
Like many of you I am very familiar with the usual baton-passing ritual of arriving at a hotel. The doorman opens your car door and passes you off to...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Make Your World Full of Significant Others
I love this picture because it signifies something special. It's a picture of my sons Kaleim and Rezwan, with Kaleim's wife Liz. What gives this...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Two Rules for Achieving Ideal Patient Retention
Too often when practices appoint patients they focus on just the date. But picking a number on the calendar is really just the beginning. If you want...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›The First Rule For Buying Your First Practice
Define your personal priorities. Buying into a dental practice is a big decision. The consequences are far-reaching because each day in your practice...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Dental practices have always been about person-to-person interaction; it's the nature of the profession. Practices have always grown and thrived on...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›Are You Giving Your Practice the Opportunity to be Great?
Have you ever seen what happens when you ask a group of kindergarteners how many of them can sing? Practically all the hands go up. For that matter, anyone...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›What Can Dentists Learn From a Charity?
It was a charitable organization based out of a university in Israel, working to help provide services to disabled people in specific neighborhoods. Every...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›How the Value of Time Drives Quality of Life
I am often asked what I like to do in my free time. I understand the point of the question, but I think there is a flaw in the wording. To be honest,...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›There are a lot of things going on in a dental practice at any given time. Nobody knows this better than the people on the front lines – the team...
Imtiaz Manji | 11 years ago ›