Time and Money: How to Make Your New Year’s Goals Real
I have often said that if you show me your calendar and your bank statement, I can tell you what your values are. That's because, as I pointed out in...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›A Question of NEED in Dentistry: Part I
In my position at Spear Education I have the privilege of spending a lot of time with some of the best dentists in the world. Dentists who devote a large...
Gary DeWood | 10 years ago ›Forming an Action Plan? Here’s the First Thing You Need to Know
Knowledge is power, it is often said. It's also true that when it comes to making meaningful progress, the right kind of knowledge can be an unparalleled...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›A New Year's Mindset Refresher
As the year winds down and we look ahead to where we want to be going in 2015, it's a good time to look inward and re-connect with our most...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›The Important 'Second Step' in Goal Setting
Goal setting, which many of us do around this time of year as the calendar is about to turn over, can be an inspiring exercise. But I believe what is...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›How New Dentists Can Buy Into Their Dream Practice
I believe that dentistry, when practiced at its best, is an entrepreneurial profession. It has always been my dream that every new dentist ends up owning...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›Flipping the Triangle for Dental Patients: Part I
In a recent post, I shared an article that resonates with me regarding dentists shifting the paradigm from tooth fixers to a business of giving patients...
Kevin Kwiecien | 10 years ago ›Does Your Dental Team Have a Touchstone to Rally Around?
This is a picture of the words that all of our team members at Spear see as they enter their workspace area. When we expanded our operations to take over...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›Are You Delivering an Exceptional Experience?
What makes a person choose one dentist instead of another? What makes them loyal to a practice once they're in it? These are the kinds of questions that...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›Scheduling 'Bump' Days in Hygiene
I'm betting that not all of the patients in your practice who have dental needs have made arrangements to have that dentistry completed. That would most...
Gary DeWood | 10 years ago ›Ramping Up When Things Slow Down in Your Dental Practice
When you're a dental practice owner, how do you react when outside economic forces are working against you? For instance, the U.S. economy is showing encouraging...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›Your Dental Practice: Make Change a Part of the Routine
In an industry where high staff turnover is not uncommon, it is a point of pride for any dental practice owner to have a team that has been together a...
Imtiaz Manji | 10 years ago ›