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Spear Digest Dental Articles

An Upfront Conversation Dentists Should Have with Every Patient

An Upfront Conversation Dentists Should Have with Every Patient

It must be one of those situations when dentists feel the most unloved: that moment when you are explaining to a patient who came in for a routine check-up...

| 9 years ago
Great Leaders and the Rewards of the Abundance Mindset

Great Leaders and the Rewards of the Abundance Mindset

Of all the qualities that define a great leader, one of the most important is a sense of abundance. To be clear, I am not talking about material abundance....

| 9 years ago
'Creating Positive Patient Experiences' is Now Live!

'Creating Positive Patient Experiences' is Now Live!

Creating a successful dental practice is more than providing excellent clinical care…it's also about creating an atmosphere that appeals to patients. One...

| 9 years ago
Priorities and Your Practice - A Pain Relief Tip for Dentists

Priorities and Your Practice - A Pain Relief Tip for Dentists

Most people know what they need to do to succeed, at least in general terms. When I see dentists who are not making the strides forward they are obviously...

| 9 years ago
Improving Case Acceptance - Part 1

Improving Case Acceptance - Part 1

As we know, case acceptance is critical. We can't treat our patients without it, and we can't help them if we can't treat them. For me the key to case...

| 9 years ago
The Insurance Question: Where Your Focus Really Needs to Be

The Insurance Question: Where Your Focus Really Needs to Be

Dentists have always had a love-hate relationship with dental insurance companies. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that it is a relationship that has...

| 9 years ago
Are You Letting Your Practice “Grow Up”?

Are You Letting Your Practice “Grow Up”?

I remember a time when my sons were young and went through three or four pairs of shoes a year because they were outgrowing them every few months....

| 9 years ago
Is Your Dental Practice Lucky?

Is Your Dental Practice Lucky?

Dentists have a pretty level playing field when it comes to opportunity. Once you earn your degree and begin your own dental practice, you are dealing...

| 9 years ago
What Does Your Practice Say About Your Dentistry?

What Does Your Practice Say About Your Dentistry?

One of the most important things to know as a dentist, and one of the things many dentists have a hard time accepting, is that the quality of your work...

| 9 years ago
‘Office Manager Boot Camp Part 3: A System of Selecting Talent’ is Now Live!

‘Office Manager Boot Camp Part 3: A System of Selecting Talent’ is Now Live!

Spear presents Part Three of the Office Manager Boot Camp series. This course builds on the previous two courses from this series: Avoiding Legal Landmines...

| 9 years ago
A Success Template for Your New Associate

A Success Template for Your New Associate

Bringing an associate into your practice will always involve something of a leap-of-faith. Even after all of the diligent work you do in the selection...

| 9 years ago
Using Scheduling to Fight Stagnant Growth

Using Scheduling to Fight Stagnant Growth

It is one of the most common issues I hear about: a practice that is doing everything correctly but not getting ahead. New patients keep coming in every...

| 9 years ago