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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Question for the Day

Question for the Day

Geek is my middle name. If something has buttons, red lights, shiny stuff and makes noise I'm pulled in like a moth to a flame. I realize that not...

| 11 years ago


This recent emergency patient just had the restoration on his molar placed about four days prior to seeing me. He was complaining of...

| 11 years ago
How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

How CBCT Saved Our Keisters

We look at how cone beam CT helped better prepare a dentist and surgeon for implant placement surgery.

| 12 years ago
What Happened Here?

What Happened Here?

A young lady came into my practice last week complaining of pain on the right side of her face. Her discomfort had been growing in intensity since she...

| 12 years ago
"My Teeth are Sore."

"My Teeth are Sore."

This individual presented for a restorative evaluation and during the exam reported that his front teeth are sometimes sore. The two images below show...

| 12 years ago
Don't You Love a Challenge?

Don't You Love a Challenge?

This young lady decided to try shooting a handgun that had considerable recoil. Without proper instruction, she pulled the trigger and the gun kicked...

| 12 years ago
Photo Tips

Photo Tips

Those blasted buccal shots! Hard to see and hard to be sure that the correct alignment and framing are in the image. Most of the time, I believe that...

| 13 years ago
Weird Stuff I Get to See

Weird Stuff I Get to See

This bridge has been in place for about 20 years. The patient is beginning a comprehensive course of treatment and we are getting ready for ortho so...

| 14 years ago
How Much Is .1mm?

How Much Is .1mm?

I have a pet peeve. It has to do with prepping teeth. I still remember my operative instructor in junior clinic telling me to 'drop that proximal box...

| 14 years ago
Magic Hemostasis

Magic Hemostasis

I try really hard not to touch tissue when I prep teeth or when I am delivering bonded ceramic restorations. Blood is the enemy and I don't like red margins....

| 14 years ago
Whose Teeth Are They Anyway?

Whose Teeth Are They Anyway?

I recently completed a case for a young dentist. It had been a long haul for the two of us, and I was both excited and anxious on the day of delivery....

| 14 years ago
Belt and Suspenders

Belt and Suspenders

Provisionals on veneer preparations can be challenging. The 'shrink to fit' or 'shrink-wrap' technique has gained popularity over the years. That is,...

| 15 years ago