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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Segmenting a Full Mouth Diagnostic Wax-Up

Segmenting a Full Mouth Diagnostic Wax-Up

Generally for me, all complex cases start with a diagnostic wax-up. Once this wax-up is done, I can base my preparations and provisionals off of this...

| 9 years ago
Soft Tissue Healing Around Dental Implants

Soft Tissue Healing Around Dental Implants

As we all know, proper soft tissue healing is critical around dental implants. Not only must we achieve healthy tissue, but it is often vital to the success...

| 9 years ago
Managing Cement Retained Implants

Managing Cement Retained Implants

While cement retained implants are widely popular, cement sepsis is one issue when it comes to cement retained implants.

| 9 years ago
New Materials: They're Here and More Are Coming

New Materials: They're Here and More Are Coming

As we all know, change is always happening and dentistry is no exception – particularly when it comes to dental materials. Recently there has been a...

| 9 years ago
Two Methods for a Clean and Clear Tongue Space

Two Methods for a Clean and Clear Tongue Space

I don't know about you, but I really hate it when I get excess stone in the tongue space on a lower model. Not only does it look terrible, this excess...

| 9 years ago
Does That Tooth Really Need to Be Extracted?

Does That Tooth Really Need to Be Extracted?

As we all know, sometimes we just can't see the cause of a problem with radiographs. This is particularly true when dealing with 2-D radiographs like...

| 10 years ago
Three Steps to Simplifying Direct Bonding

Three Steps to Simplifying Direct Bonding

When I am restoring excessively worn teeth for a patient, I like to start with direct provisional bonding. While this can be a tremendously beneficial...

| 10 years ago
Dealing with Nervous Patients [Part II]

Dealing with Nervous Patients [Part II]

In a previous article I discussed managing patients with mild to moderate anxiety. While the methods discussed previously will allow you successfully...

| 10 years ago
Dealing with Nervous Patients [Part I]

Dealing with Nervous Patients [Part I]

As we all know the thought of visiting a dental office can cause anxiety for many of our patients. This anxiety can range from mild nervousness to extreme...

| 10 years ago
Increase Predictability With Your Lab

Increase Predictability With Your Lab

Would you like to make your communication with your lab more predictable? When it comes to increasing predictability, communication with our lab is the...

| 10 years ago
How to Deal With an Over-Adjusted Contact

How to Deal With an Over-Adjusted Contact

Most restorative dentists, myself included, have over adjusted a contact on a porcelain crown when trying it in. While this doesn't happen often, when...

| 10 years ago
Complete and Accurate Periodontal Charting

Complete and Accurate Periodontal Charting

Helping patients retain their natural teeth and maintain overall health is vital. It's important to closely monitor their periodontal health and recommend...

| 10 years ago