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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Don't Take Yourself For Granted

Don't Take Yourself For Granted

When I was a young newlywed I drove an old Gremlin. Those of you old enough to remember the Gremlin may be laughing. But I wasn't laughing, because at...

| 10 years ago
How to Retire on Your Own Terms

How to Retire on Your Own Terms

What does retirement mean to you? For a long time in dentistry the prevailing model has been to work hard, build a thriving practice, then turn the keys...

| 10 years ago
Celebrate the Differences

Celebrate the Differences

One of my favorite things to do is to deliver a class for dentists and their teams. I used to do it a lot more but now only get to do it once a year....

| 10 years ago
Quality Always Wins

Quality Always Wins

I changed dry cleaners recently. Briefly. It's not that I had any objections to the quality of service I was getting from my usual dry cleaner. Quite...

| 10 years ago
Are You Ready for the Exceptional Patient? [Ed.]

Are You Ready for the Exceptional Patient? [Ed.]

Your dental practice is a lot like a public school. The public school system can handle a lot of students quite efficiently. But 'efficiently' is...

| 10 years ago
Create Your Own Awareness Campaign for Patients

Create Your Own Awareness Campaign for Patients

Where are the great marketing campaigns for modern dentistry? Remember those 'Got Milk?' ads that ran for so long? They took something that was already a...

| 10 years ago
A Story of Real Customer-Focused Service

A Story of Real Customer-Focused Service

Like many of you I am very familiar with the usual baton-passing ritual of arriving at a hotel. The doorman opens your car door and passes you off to...

| 10 years ago
Make Your World Full of Significant Others

Make Your World Full of Significant Others

I love this picture because it signifies something special. It's a picture of my sons Kaleim and Rezwan, with Kaleim's wife Liz. What gives this...

| 10 years ago
Two Rules for Achieving Ideal Patient Retention

Two Rules for Achieving Ideal Patient Retention

Too often when practices appoint patients they focus on just the date. But picking a number on the calendar is really just the beginning. If you want...

| 11 years ago
The First Rule For Buying Your First Practice

The First Rule For Buying Your First Practice

Define your personal priorities. Buying into a dental practice is a big decision. The consequences are far-reaching because each day in your practice...

| 11 years ago
Word-of-Mouth, Multiplied

Word-of-Mouth, Multiplied

Dental practices have always been about person-to-person interaction; it's the nature of the profession. Practices have always grown and thrived on...

| 11 years ago
Are You Giving Your Practice the Opportunity to be Great?

Are You Giving Your Practice the Opportunity to be Great?

Have you ever seen what happens when you ask a group of kindergarteners how many of them can sing? Practically all the hands go up. For that matter, anyone...

| 11 years ago