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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Some Ancient Wisdom for Modern Dentists

Some Ancient Wisdom for Modern Dentists

What does it mean to be educated? I suppose one could say it means having a mountain of debt – considering what it costs to obtain a university...

| 10 years ago
What to Do With ‘That Case’ on Your Desk

What to Do With ‘That Case’ on Your Desk

It happens to the best general dentists from time to time. You come across a particularly tricky case and find yourself stuck. Maybe you can't think of...

| 10 years ago
Your Future Self Will Thank You

Your Future Self Will Thank You

I have a friend at the club where I work out who has been going there for a couple of years. If you were to meet him, you would recognize right away that...

| 10 years ago
Why I Changed My Mind About Celebrating Father’s Day

Why I Changed My Mind About Celebrating Father’s Day

For many years, I never really took the whole 'Father's Day' thing seriously. Of course, I would always be grateful when my sons acknowledged the day...

| 10 years ago
Are You Ready for a Re-Boot?

Are You Ready for a Re-Boot?

If you have been in practice for several years, I am willing to bet that you do not consider yourself the same dentist you were when you first began....

| 10 years ago
The Next Big Game-Changer in Dentistry

The Next Big Game-Changer in Dentistry

Everything you do in the practice brings a return—that's why you are in business. But not all returns are created equal, either in terms of revenue or patient...

| 10 years ago
Fall in Love with Your Practice All Over Again

Fall in Love with Your Practice All Over Again

I remember hearing a story once about a unique gift a man gave to his wife that ended up changing both of their lives. Rather than go to the store and...

| 10 years ago
How New Dentists Can Buy Into Their Dream Practice

How New Dentists Can Buy Into Their Dream Practice

I believe that dentistry, when practiced at its best, is an entrepreneurial profession. It has always been my dream that every new dentist ends up owning...

| 10 years ago
Program the Habits of Success

Program the Habits of Success

A dental practice depends on systems. You have systems for keeping patients coming back for hygiene, systems for new patient protocol, for working with...

| 10 years ago
The Real Secret to Making Dreams into Realities

The Real Secret to Making Dreams into Realities

Like many young couples, my wife Shahinool and I were ecstatic when we bought our first home. It was a modest townhouse that cost $55,000 but we...

| 10 years ago
When 90 Percent Isn't Enough

When 90 Percent Isn't Enough

Knowing that success in any dental practice really comes down to a chain of smaller successes, how would you feel about achieving a 90 percent...

| 10 years ago
A Lesson in Consistency

A Lesson in Consistency

Suppose I offered you three million dollars today – don't get too excited, this is just a thought experiment. Now suppose I made you another offer;...

| 10 years ago