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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Time Crunch Dilemma: Avoid These Two Reactions

Time Crunch Dilemma: Avoid These Two Reactions

One of the best things you can have in life is a healthy relationship with time. In fact, you can say that it is probably the most important component...

| 10 years ago
What is Your Success Plan?

What is Your Success Plan?

It is not an exaggeration to say that almost every dentist who takes one of our hands-on workshops comes away profoundly changed by what they have learned....

| 10 years ago
Your Success: Are You a Baseline Buster?

Your Success: Are You a Baseline Buster?

We all have what I call a baseline level of comfort and success in life. Whether we are talking about economic success, professional fulfilment, or personal...

| 10 years ago
Busy Dentists: Here’s a New ‘Bucket Challenge’ for You

Busy Dentists: Here’s a New ‘Bucket Challenge’ for You

A lot of busy people I know have a bucket list. Except it is not the typical kind where you catalog the wonderful and inspiring things that you hope to...

| 10 years ago
Is Your Energy Output Being Misdirected?

Is Your Energy Output Being Misdirected?

I heard a car buff talking the other day and he said something when discussing his passion for high-performance cars that struck me as a great metaphor...

| 10 years ago
Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

We are a culture that is obsessed with stress. Everywhere you look there are books and articles with 'stress-buster' tips. There are countless products—everything...

| 10 years ago
Dental Patients: Don't Just 'Sell' to Them

Dental Patients: Don't Just 'Sell' to Them

One of the most successful businesses in the history of retail was guided to greatness by a man who hated the idea of selling. So says Apple's former...

| 10 years ago
Success in Dentistry: The 'Big Four'

Success in Dentistry: The 'Big Four'

Let's make this simple. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to obtaining success in dentistry, but ultimately it all comes down to patient...

| 10 years ago
Has Dentistry Kept its Promises to You?

Has Dentistry Kept its Promises to You?

There are a lot of great reasons to become a dentist—as I have written about here before; it remains among the most desirable professions in the nation, and...

| 10 years ago
Why You Should Love Your ‘Bad’ Patients

Why You Should Love Your ‘Bad’ Patients

Some patients are easy to love. They respect your value, accept your recommendations, pay promptly and are always looking to do the best thing for their...

| 10 years ago
How Much Do You Really Know About Your Next Patient?

How Much Do You Really Know About Your Next Patient?

Know your audience. That is a cardinal rule, whether you are writing, or giving a presentation, or whether you are a dentist having a one-on-one treatment...

| 10 years ago
Why Wait for a Crisis?

Why Wait for a Crisis?

I remember when we, as a family, had to come to grips with the reality that my wife Shahinool's cancer had progressed to the point where there was little...

| 10 years ago