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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Where Do You Draw the Line?

Where Do You Draw the Line?

Every dentist, whether they think about it or not, has a line. It's a line represented by a dollar amount. Anything up to that line they feel comfortable...

| 12 years ago
Do You Talk About Dentistry?

Do You Talk About Dentistry?

You have a patient in the chair. She has an esthetic need that is obvious to anyone who has seen her smile. You're both aware of it, yet neither one of...

| 12 years ago
Helping Patients Understand Worn Incisal Edges

Helping Patients Understand Worn Incisal Edges

As dentists, we see many patients with worn incisal edges. Before restoring these teeth, we need to understand the type or pattern of the tooth wear....

| 12 years ago
The First Step to Case Acceptance

The First Step to Case Acceptance

A new patient walks into a dental practice for her first visit. She approaches the front desk, waits for her turn to talk to someone and identifies herself....

| 12 years ago
Listen Closely Or Your Patients Won't Return

Listen Closely Or Your Patients Won't Return

If a patient feels that you're not listening to them, they will leave your practice. Recently I had a patient come in who told me she left her previous...

| 12 years ago
Patients Respond to Genuine Communication

Patients Respond to Genuine Communication

Patients leave our practice; we don't like it but it happens. Sometimes the reasons they leave are beyond our control. If they're moving out of the area...

| 12 years ago
How to Help Your Patients Visualize Treatment

How to Help Your Patients Visualize Treatment

Case presentation is always a concern for me, whether it's formal or casual, chairside or consultation room. I tend to have most conversations with...

| 12 years ago
Lip Service: How to Evaluate a Crooked Smile

Lip Service: How to Evaluate a Crooked Smile

A person's smile is a work of art. Think about it, the lips function as the frame and the teeth are the picture. As with actual pieces of art, we look...

| 12 years ago
Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

Who Are The Best Advocates For Ideal Dentistry?

A while ago, my longtime business partner, Dr. Glen Wysel, arrived at the office showing off the renewed dental work Dr. Frank Spear had performed on...

| 12 years ago
Staging Comprehensive Care

Staging Comprehensive Care

If you asked most of your patients if they would fix their teeth if money were no object, the vast majority would say yes. We all have patients in our...

| 12 years ago
Unlocking an Important Truth About Technology

Unlocking an Important Truth About Technology

I remember when I got my first car with automatic door locks. To be more specific, I remember an incident that occurred shortly after getting that car....

| 12 years ago
Top Five Reasons Patients Are Afraid of You

Top Five Reasons Patients Are Afraid of You

Part of our role as dentists is to help patients overcome fear and anxiety by creating an environment to help alleviate their concerns. Learn the top...

| 12 years ago