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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Using Positioners for Direct Digital Radiography is Now Live!

Using Positioners for Direct Digital Radiography is Now Live!

When people think about direct radiography in dentistry, they usually think about direct digital sensors and direct sensors with a cable attached; these...

| 9 years ago
Best of Spear Digest 2014

Best of Spear Digest 2014

It's been another extraordinary year for the Spear Daily Digest, the publishing platform of Spear, thanks to our insightful and passionate contributors...

| 9 years ago
Denture to Interim Hybrid Using the Ministar

Denture to Interim Hybrid Using the Ministar

Fixed hybrid prostheses were traditionally designed for mal-adaptive denture patients with significant alveolar bone loss in the mandibular arch.  This...

| 9 years ago
New Course Added on Indirect Digital Radiography

New Course Added on Indirect Digital Radiography

Indirect digital radiography is a synonym for storage phosphor plates (PSP). Often times, dentists find this topic to be quite confusing; some may even...

| 9 years ago
A Question of NEED in Dentistry: Part I

A Question of NEED in Dentistry: Part I

In my position at Spear Education I have the privilege of spending a lot of time with some of the best dentists in the world.  Dentists who devote a large...

| 10 years ago
Study: Wearing Dentures at Night Raises Pneumonia Risk in Seniors

Study: Wearing Dentures at Night Raises Pneumonia Risk in Seniors

According to a recent issue of the Journal of Dental Research, seniors that sleep with their dentures in are at a higher risk of developing pneumonia....

| 10 years ago
New Course on Oral Radiographs Now Live

New Course on Oral Radiographs Now Live

The 'untrained eye' may see below standard radiographs and the person may conclude that well, but then reach erroneous conclusion that radiographic quality...

| 10 years ago
Flipping the Triangle for Dental Patients: Part I

Flipping the Triangle for Dental Patients: Part I

In a recent post, I shared an article that resonates with me regarding dentists shifting the paradigm from tooth fixers to a business of giving patients...

| 10 years ago
The Periodontal-Restorative Interface is Now Live!

The Periodontal-Restorative Interface is Now Live!

All clinicians would love to see ideal outcomes in all of their restorative cases treated in a periodontal perspective. The key to a successful outcome...

| 10 years ago
Selling a Practice

Selling a Practice

I guess one could say that as soon as you start a practice you should consider on how you are going to transition out by selling a practice. That being...

| 10 years ago
Ergonomics to Enhance Clinical Performance is Now Live!

Ergonomics to Enhance Clinical Performance is Now Live!

Ergonomics is the study of one's efficiency in their working environment. The nature of dentistry brings with it many unique challenges when it comes...

| 10 years ago
Dental Patients: Another Identity Crisis?!

Dental Patients: Another Identity Crisis?!

Is your livelihood based on your income from doing dentistry for your work?  In other words, are you dependent on money that you make from restoring teeth...

| 10 years ago