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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Technique for 'Cementing' and Retaining Conservative Ceramic Onlay Provisionals

Technique for 'Cementing' and Retaining Conservative Ceramic Onlay Provisionals

Learn more about how indirect partial coverage ceramic restorations are becoming a mainstay of conservative restorative dental procedures.

| 3 years ago
Photographic Tooth Inclination

Photographic Tooth Inclination

Dental photography is a key component to the FGTP planning process and the strategic photographic series of images aids the restorative dentist in evaluation...

| 3 years ago
Shimstock and Occlusal Maintenance of Dental Implants

Shimstock and Occlusal Maintenance of Dental Implants

Dr. Jeff Bonk provides a dental re-care appointment protocol for evaluating and managing occlusal forces on dental implants.

| 3 years ago
A Doctor’s Take – New Study Club Experience Provides Ease with Online Features

A Doctor’s Take – New Study Club Experience Provides Ease with Online Features

Get a dentist's take on updated audio-video quality, a whiteboard, breakout sessions, and other updates in the new Study Club experience.

| 3 years ago
Impression Pearls: Obtaining Successful and Predictable Indirect Restorative Outcomes

Impression Pearls: Obtaining Successful and Predictable Indirect Restorative Outcomes

Dr. Jeff Bonk shares three impression techniques to obtain clear preparation margins for predictable and successful indirect restorative outcomes.

| 3 years ago
2021 Campus Workshops for Hands-On Dental CE

2021 Campus Workshops for Hands-On Dental CE

Learn alongside Spear Resident Faculty in small-group, hands-on, clinical CE workshops ranging from occlusion to airway.

| 3 years ago
‘Unconscious Incompetence’ to ‘Conscious Competence:’ Awareness Through FGTP

‘Unconscious Incompetence’ to ‘Conscious Competence:’ Awareness Through FGTP

See how a classic 'black triangle' complaint highlights the benefits of implementing Facially Generated Treatment Planning in relation to patient emotional...

| 3 years ago
A Guide to Pre-Prep Diagnostic Mock-Ups

A Guide to Pre-Prep Diagnostic Mock-Ups

A guide to help dentists incorporate pre-preparation recontouring prior to mock-up placement when the diagnostic wax-up requires reduction and addition...

| 3 years ago
Dental ‘Cloacopaprology’ — Minimal Invasive Tissue Retraction

Dental ‘Cloacopaprology’ — Minimal Invasive Tissue Retraction

Learn a minimal invasive and cost-effective secret in obtaining predictable and efficient preparation margins that give adequate tissue retraction for...

| 4 years ago
Dental 'Cloacopapyrology' – Planning the Smile

Dental 'Cloacopapyrology' – Planning the Smile

Discover the FGTP-related essentials of dental treatment planning with tooth outline templates.

| 4 years ago
Dental 'Cloacopapyrology' – Integrating Basic Photography

Dental 'Cloacopapyrology' – Integrating Basic Photography

DSLR camera or smartphone? Dr. Jeff Bonk explains dental photography principles that align with FGTP.

| 4 years ago
Dental ‘Cloacopapyrology’ - Playing ‘Zone Defense’ Against COVID-19

Dental ‘Cloacopapyrology’ - Playing ‘Zone Defense’ Against COVID-19

Working in a COVID-19 recovery environment means today's dental practice must be prepared to manage infection control, but also patient anxiety.

| 4 years ago