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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Has Dentistry Kept its Promises to You?

Has Dentistry Kept its Promises to You?

There are a lot of great reasons to become a dentist—as I have written about here before; it remains among the most desirable professions in the nation, and...

| 9 years ago
Why You Should Love Your ‘Bad’ Patients

Why You Should Love Your ‘Bad’ Patients

Some patients are easy to love. They respect your value, accept your recommendations, pay promptly and are always looking to do the best thing for their...

| 9 years ago
How Much Do You Really Know About Your Next Patient?

How Much Do You Really Know About Your Next Patient?

Know your audience. That is a cardinal rule, whether you are writing, or giving a presentation, or whether you are a dentist having a one-on-one treatment...

| 9 years ago
Why Wait for a Crisis?

Why Wait for a Crisis?

I remember when we, as a family, had to come to grips with the reality that my wife Shahinool's cancer had progressed to the point where there was little...

| 9 years ago
How Do You Respond to the Patients’ Greatest Hits?

How Do You Respond to the Patients’ Greatest Hits?

People are all different, and people are all the same. Anyone who works in a service profession, such as dentistry, comes to understand this paradox intimately....

| 9 years ago
What Makes a Dental Team Great?

What Makes a Dental Team Great?

There are a lot of factors that go into making up a well-functioning, smoothly-aligned, high-performing dental team – but I would say that one...

| 9 years ago
The Problem with 'Preventative' Care

The Problem with 'Preventative' Care

You are doing an examination on a patient and you identify a significant concern. You describe to them what you see, explain the urgency of treating it...

| 9 years ago
Give Yourself Room to Grow

Give Yourself Room to Grow

In a recent article, I wrote about a new perspective on the 'glass half-empty' metaphor, in terms of how it applies to our lives. The empty portion, as...

| 9 years ago
Seeing Beyond 'Half-Full/Half-Empty'

Seeing Beyond 'Half-Full/Half-Empty'

When I was young, I was like a lot of kids in that I could never seem to get enough of what I wanted. My mother would often remind me that my glass is...

| 9 years ago
Three Strategies for Moving Forward

Three Strategies for Moving Forward

Every dentist has issues they have to deal with—whether they are team issues, patient issues, facility or business issues, time or economic issues. This is...

| 9 years ago
Answering Dentistry’s Trick Question

Answering Dentistry’s Trick Question

Which is more important to you – running a high-quality practice that provides quality clinical care administered by a quality team that delivers a...

| 9 years ago
You Are Creating Your Own Future Right Now

You Are Creating Your Own Future Right Now

At the July Fourth celebration I attended last week, a band performed. They called themselves 'Boogie Nights' and when I saw them take the stage in their...

| 9 years ago