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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Your Practice: Avoiding Burnout

Your Practice: Avoiding Burnout

There comes a point in the life of just about any solo practitioner when they feel they are approaching burnout in their practice. Year after year of...

| 9 years ago
Patient Value: Getting Smart with Intelligence

Patient Value: Getting Smart with Intelligence

Anyone who has seen an around-the-block line-up outside an Apple store in anticipation of a new product release has to admit that this is a company that...

| 9 years ago
Three Points About Perfectionism

Three Points About Perfectionism

I often hear dentists describe themselves as perfectionists, and it's easy to see why. It is a profession where skill is measured in microscopic margins,...

| 9 years ago
What is Your Template for Success with Appointments?

What is Your Template for Success with Appointments?

How many times have you peered into a mouth in your career? How many times have patients walked in and out the door to your practice? In the daily...

| 9 years ago
Measuring Success from the Patient’s Perspective

Measuring Success from the Patient’s Perspective

For a great illustration of how real success starts with purity of purpose, consider the iPod. In creating a one of the most successful products ever...

| 9 years ago
Retirement: On Your Mark, Get Set… Plan!

Retirement: On Your Mark, Get Set… Plan!

The two most common mistakes I see when it comes to retirement planning are lack of clarity and lack of time. It continues to surprise and shock me how...

| 9 years ago
Is Your Dental Team Made Up of Leaders?

Is Your Dental Team Made Up of Leaders?

As I have pointed out many times, including in my last article, dental teams need leadership and direction to be truly effective. But when we are talking...

| 9 years ago
Do You Have What it Takes to Beat Average?

Do You Have What it Takes to Beat Average?

Have you seen this commercial? It is an ad for GNC that very cleverly illustrates a common—but profound—truth: being average is easy. The flip side of that,...

| 9 years ago
What Every Dentist Needs to Know About Setting Goals

What Every Dentist Needs to Know About Setting Goals

Everybody likes the idea of seeing improvement in their life, and many people are genuinely committed to working hard to make things better. But I have...

| 9 years ago
Mood Maintenance: An Exercise in Mind Control

Mood Maintenance: An Exercise in Mind Control

You are having an argument with your spouse, or your son or daughter, and things are getting heated. You can feel the anger taking hold. Then your phone...

| 9 years ago
Great Dentists Are Educators

Great Dentists Are Educators

This is a picture of me doing what I love to do most. It was taken at a recent Faculty Club event where, once again, I got the opportunity to get in front...

| 9 years ago
The Hygiene Exam: Are You and Your Patients Getting Full Value?

The Hygiene Exam: Are You and Your Patients Getting Full Value?

Hygiene visits are still often under-appreciated - both by patients and dentists. Patients tend to think of them as cleanings, which makes it sound...

| 9 years ago