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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Does Your Dental Team Have a Touchstone to Rally Around?

Does Your Dental Team Have a Touchstone to Rally Around?

This is a picture of the words that all of our team members at Spear see as they enter their workspace area. When we expanded our operations to take over...

| 9 years ago
Are You Delivering an Exceptional Experience?

Are You Delivering an Exceptional Experience?

What makes a person choose one dentist instead of another? What makes them loyal to a practice once they're in it? These are the kinds of questions that...

| 9 years ago
Ramping Up When Things Slow Down in Your Dental Practice

Ramping Up When Things Slow Down in Your Dental Practice

When you're a dental practice owner, how do you react when outside economic forces are working against you? For instance, the U.S. economy is showing encouraging...

| 9 years ago
Your Dental Practice: Make Change a Part of the Routine

Your Dental Practice: Make Change a Part of the Routine

In an industry where high staff turnover is not uncommon, it is a point of pride for any dental practice owner to have a team that has been together a...

| 9 years ago
Can Your Dental Team Pass “The Knowledge” Test?

Can Your Dental Team Pass “The Knowledge” Test?

It has been called the hardest test in the world.  It is actually a series of written and oral exams and conquering it is a process that takes an average...

| 9 years ago
Why You Should Celebrate Thanksgiving Twice

Why You Should Celebrate Thanksgiving Twice

I have often remarked that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There are a couple of reasons for this. First of all, the spirit at the core of Thanksgiving...

| 9 years ago
Dentistry in the Age of the Consumer

Dentistry in the Age of the Consumer

Dr. Imtiaz Manji discusses the consumer mindset and how dentists can use it to their advantage by creating value for their patients.

| 9 years ago
Are You Changing the Conversation About Dentistry?

Are You Changing the Conversation About Dentistry?

Last week, the world's biggest one-day consumer event occurred, with record-shattering sales. No, you didn't sleep through Black Friday—that annual tradition of...

| 9 years ago
Andre Desjardins: Reflections on the Passing of a Friend

Andre Desjardins: Reflections on the Passing of a Friend

Andre Desjardins, left, a great leader in the dental community and a great friend. I lost a friend to cancer recently. That is always a difficult...

| 9 years ago
Your Patients Love You—But Are They EXCITED?

Your Patients Love You—But Are They EXCITED?

What do your patients think of you and your practice? Most dentists like to think that they enjoy a good approval rating with their patients, and they...

| 9 years ago
Dental Insurance: Why You NEED to Stop Depending on It

Dental Insurance: Why You NEED to Stop Depending on It

Just about everyone in the dental industry knows all too well about the frustrations of 'the insurance question.' What started out as a boon to dentistry when...

| 9 years ago
Does Your Dental Team Have an Ownership Mindset?

Does Your Dental Team Have an Ownership Mindset?

We have been spending a lot of time lately at Spear working on dental team alignment education for dentists, with new programs in the works, and a whole...

| 9 years ago