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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Are You Unintentionally Turning Away New Patients?

Are You Unintentionally Turning Away New Patients?

If I were to call your practice today around noon what would happen? If I were a potential new patient inquiring about your services, would I get...

| 9 years ago
Uncovering Your Hidden “Boutique Practice”

Uncovering Your Hidden “Boutique Practice”

When dentists talk about building a dream boutique practice, what they are usually saying is simply that they want a dental practice that attracts...

| 9 years ago
Is Your Dental Practice Infected with This Common Team Issue?

Is Your Dental Practice Infected with This Common Team Issue?

I call it the Compartment Mindset Syndrome, and it can infect even some high-performing practices. It's when team members, often those who have settled...

| 9 years ago
What is Your Leadership Default Position?

What is Your Leadership Default Position?

Every dental practice owner is a leader, whether they like it or not. Some dentists are lucky enough to be natural leaders, the kind who usually know...

| 9 years ago
A Thinking Framework for Achieving Real Breakthroughs

A Thinking Framework for Achieving Real Breakthroughs

If I were to ask one hundred people—people from across the demographic spectrum—what one change would have the greatest favorable impact on their lives, I...

| 9 years ago
Price vs. Value: What to Think About When You are Buying a Dental Practice

Price vs. Value: What to Think About When You are Buying a Dental Practice

Purchasing a dental practice is a life-defining moment, so of course if you're looking to buy, you want to make sure you are getting good value for...

| 9 years ago
An Important Insight into How Patients Think about Pain

An Important Insight into How Patients Think about Pain

Have you ever performed a difficult procedure—one where the patient was in obvious discomfort for most of the time—only to have them report afterwards that 'it...

| 9 years ago
What Makes a Dental Team Great?

What Makes a Dental Team Great?

There are all lot of factors that go into making up a well-functioning, smoothly-aligned, high-performing dental team – but I would say that one of...

| 9 years ago
Three Rules for Following Through

Three Rules for Following Through

No matter what business you are in, your passion for your work shows in how determined you are to influence others to see the value of what you can do.

| 9 years ago
How Becoming a Better Dentist Can be like Riding a Bike

How Becoming a Better Dentist Can be like Riding a Bike

It's why I always say it's not enough to get excited about discovering new techniques or methods of diagnosis at a seminar or workshop—you have to put sustained...

| 9 years ago
Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until You’re Selling to get a Practice Appraisal

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until You’re Selling to get a Practice Appraisal

Everyone understands that when it comes time to sell your practice, you will have to get a complete appraisal of its worth from a qualified professional—in...

| 9 years ago
The Secrets to Doing Retirement Right

The Secrets to Doing Retirement Right

An astonishing number of dentists don't start seriously begin planning their retirement until their time in the practice is drawing to a close. - See...

| 9 years ago