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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Three Kinds of Hygiene Patients

The Three Kinds of Hygiene Patients

As I wrote about previously, the hygiene check can be one of the most overlooked, or at least under-committed, relationship-building tools for many dentists....

| 10 years ago
Are You Influencing Your Patients?

Are You Influencing Your Patients?

I often hear dentists complain about the patients that only want to be treated if it's covered by insurance – and I'm sure it's true. The fact is...

| 10 years ago
Four Steps to Simplifying Your Life

Four Steps to Simplifying Your Life

Excess and clutter are the enemies of clean and effective living. As we go through life we tend to acquire material things and to-do lists that eventually...

| 10 years ago
'The Only Appropriate Response is Gratefulness'

'The Only Appropriate Response is Gratefulness'

I've often said that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the idea of taking a day to recognize and celebrate everything we are grateful for in...

| 11 years ago
The Most Overlooked Reason to Get Your Practice Appraised

The Most Overlooked Reason to Get Your Practice Appraised

If you own your own dental practice you are at some point going to get it appraised. For most dentists, this happens as part of the process when they...

| 11 years ago
Are You Sitting At the Front of the Class?

Are You Sitting At the Front of the Class?

What happens to the kids who walk in on the first day of school and take a seat in the back of the classroom? What choices are they making in that moment?...

| 11 years ago
Making Patients Feel at Home

Making Patients Feel at Home

When you have a guest over who is visiting your home for the first time, do you give them a tour of the house? It's sort of a traditional thing for a...

| 12 years ago
Why Your Practice Should Run Like a Movie Studio

Why Your Practice Should Run Like a Movie Studio

Movie studios make their money in two ways: First there are those big numbers we read about when a major new film opens, where one true blockbuster can...

| 12 years ago
It’s Like Riding a Bike…

It’s Like Riding a Bike…

You learn to do by doing – that's something we come to understand as we get older. But remember when you were first discovering new capabilities,...

| 13 years ago